    关键词  安卓  快速开发  框架   MaterialDesign   动画
    Title The Design and Application of The Rapid Development Framework for Android Based on MaterialDesign                                             
    Mobile Internet's development has become the development trend of the Internet in today's world. Besides, varieties of mobile application products have been derived from this trend. But a large number of developers in the mobile application development all develope from scratch, and gradually realize that the service is involved in the software. When you need to use platform basic capabilities as network communications, image loading, and database operation, it must be directed to the feature of the function, achieve their own corresponding basic capabilities, or seek third-party open source projects to complete the function, and then continue the following service. To solve the evils of the development model, the paper presents a rapid development framework scheme. And its core is used to slove basic service problems, such as network communications, database operation, image loading, UI optimization, reduce the time and costs of developments, and improve the development efficiency and software quality for the Android developers.
    Keywords  Android  rapid development  framework   MaterialDesign   animation
    目   录    I
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  本文的组织结构    3
    2  理论基础与技术分析    4
    2.1  相关java知识    4
    2.2  相关Android知识    4
    2.3  Material Design知识介绍    6
    3  基于MaterialDesign的安卓快速开发框架总体设计    7
    3.1  总体设计思想与功能    7
    3.2  基础服务功能模块总体设计    8
    3.3  视图框架模块总体设计    8
    3.4  工具API模块总体设计    9
    3.5  动画库模块总体设计    9
    4  基于MaterialDesign的安卓快速开发框架详细设计    10
    4.1  基础服务功能模块详细设计    10
    4.2  视图框架模块详细设计    13
    4.3  工具API模块详细设计    16
    4.4  动画库模块详细设计    16
    5  基于框架的应用程序开发实例    18
    5.1  UI控件功能展示    18
    5.2  基础服务功能展示    21
    6  结论    22
    6.1  本文总结    22
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