    本课题的目标是构建一个基于ASP.NET的人才招聘管理系统,以各高等学校毕业生就业服务网站为基点,运用统一数据交换标准、适时的数据更新、分工协作的信息收集发布机制,形成完整的人才就业服务信息系统, 在全国范围内为广大高校毕业生和各类用人单位提供求职和招聘的信息化平台;同时以此为依托,构建人才招聘就业管理监测网络,为教育管理部门和高等学校的专业设置、人才培养等提供准确的决策依据。27724
    毕业论文关键词:    asp.net,数据库,SQL2005, c#;
    Web Design Fresh Graduates Abstract
    With the rapid development of Internet, the Internet become faster access, publish and transmit information, the main channel, in people's lives play a very important role. The construction site in the Internet the status of applications is very prominent, has become the government, enterprises, information technology and even inpiduals an important part of Internet applications, much attention. Job site is a good example. With its convenient online recruitment, etc., by the majority of businesses and candidates alike. Recruiting class of sites currently on the market comprehensive, providing a lot of jobs, but also limited by the experience a lot of positions, screening candidates in the forthcoming students tend to waste a lot of time. Fresh Graduates Health Network as designed specifically for the site fresh, as fresh graduates to provide more job candidate experience, improve job efficiency and provide more job opportunities, but also for more in-school offers job search help.
    The project goal is to build a final-year students based on ASP.NET recruitment network to the base point on college graduates employment services website, the use of common data exchange standards, timely data updates, information-gathering pision of work release mechanism, a complete graduate employment services, information systems, in the country for the majority of college graduates and a variety of employers to provide job search and recruitment information platform; the same time as relying on the employment of university graduates managed monitoring network for the education authorities and higher professional setting, personnel training and so provide an accurate basis for decision making.
    Keywords:    Recruitment; asp.net; database; SQL2005; C #
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iv
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景及现状    1
    1.2    主要目的及意义    2
    1.3    我国网络招聘的发展现状    2
    1.4    网络招聘求职的作用和优势    3
    1.5    开发工具简介    3
    1.5.1    SQL Server 2008简介    3
    1.5.2    VS2014 简介    4
    1.5.3    ASP.NET的简介    6
    1.5.4    NET Framework简介    7
    1.6    此章小结    8
    2    分析    9
    2.1    可行性分析    9
    2.1.1    技术可行性    9
    2.1.2    经济可行性    10
    2.1.3    操作可行性    10
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