    毕业论文关键词:星座 图书 阅读 交互
    Abreast:IPhone mobile phone platform can be a very good display library functions, and a good UI can better showcase the library's characteristic constellation book recommendation system, UI design in foreign countries has been very mature, and domestic situation has in the rapid development, the smart phone has become in our lives than indispensable part, mobile Internet is in rapid development, better interactivity, so that people on the constellation library using the senses more comfortable.
    The subject of this graduation project is the application of library management system in App - Constellation library. System according to the change of each month the constellation, according to relevant information of each sign recommended a book to IOS client readers, increase their interest in reading, makes the system more features, more easy to remember this procedure. The scientific UI design can better help users understand the content and interact with it, but will not distract the user's attention from the content itself. All kinds of the size of the text should be readable, the icon should be eye-catching and removal of unnecessary decoration, highlight the key, to highlight the design concept. Visual hierarchy and vivid interactive action will give UI new energy, not only help users understand the new UI operation and make the user feel surprised in the use of the process. Although the lively and beautiful UI and smooth dynamic effect is the highlight of the iOS experience, but the content is always the core of iOS. Here are some ways to make sure your design can improve your application experience and focus on the content itself..
      Keyword:constellation library read interactive
    目  录    3
    1 绪论(引言)    3
    1.1 研究的目的与意义    3
    1.2 国内外相关研究现状    4
    1.3 研究方法与手段    4
    1.4 论文整体结构    4
    2 星座图书馆的设计概述    5
    2.1 星座图书馆的定位设计    5
    2.2 简介的产品设计    5
    2.3 是否收费与内置广告    5
    2.4 APP能够做到自动转移    6
    2.5 流畅的操作体验    6
    3 星座图书馆设计的内容分析    7
    3.1 星座图书推荐功能设计    7
    3.2 图书查询功能设计    7
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