    摘要:随着科技的发展,时代的进步,信息技术的日新月异,仓库管理也变得越来越信息化。为了加快仓库管理自动化的速度,提高仓库的管理业务处理效率,建立仓库管理系统,尽可能地减少仓库管理的重复性和低效性,已变得十分必要。计算机应用技术的发展,计算机硬件性能的不断改进,为仓库管理系统的开发提供了技术支持和经济可行性。管理系统的应用,可以将工作者从烦杂的劳动中解脱出来,极大提高工作效率,有着较好的营运可行性。本系统是仓库管理中的出入库模块,该模块下分为货物入库、货物出库、货物还库、货物盘点以及货物查询五个子系统。本系统重点将围绕通过条码实现对货物的管理,系统选用的开发软件是Visio Studio 2008,后台数据库为SQL Server 2008。本系统的开发采用敏捷开发思想。5539
    Bar Code Warehouse Management Design and Development – in and out of storage model
    Abstract: Along with the times go on and the fast development in scientific technology and information technology, the Warehouse Management has became more and more informatization. In order to accelerate the speed of  auto manage warehouse, and make warehouse management efficiency of business processes, it is necessary to create warehouse management system make the warehouse management to minimize repetitive and inefficient. The development of computer application technology and continuous improvement of the performance of computer hardware provided technical support for the development of warehouse management system and economic feasibility. Once the management system be use, workers from the troublesome labor will be freed and greatly improve work efficiency, and has a very good operational viability. The system is in and out of storage in the warehouse management model, the model is pided into five subsystems goods into storage, goods out storage, goods return storage, inventory of goods and query goods. The system will focus around the management of goods through bar code ,and the system chosen development software is Visio Studio 2008 and the database is SQL Server 2008. The development of the system using agile development idea.
    Key words: warehouse; bar code; B/S; xml
    1.    概述    1
    1.1    选题背景    1
    1.2    开发仓库管理系统的目的和意义    1
    1.3    系统架构    2
    1.4    功能特点及优势    3
    1.4.1    条码    3
    1.4.2    根据已有货物信息设置库位    3
    1.4.3    出库验证    4
    1.5    B/S    4
    1.5.1    B/S与C/S的区别    4
    1.5.2    B/S的特点    5
    1.6    XML    6
    1.6.1    轻量级的数据储存文件    6
    1.6.2    使用XML的一些场合    7
    1.6.3    XML开放性的优势在WEB服务中的体现    8
    2.    系统分析    9
    2.1    系统需求分析    9
    2.1.1    摘要    9
    2.1.2    经需求分析后系统开发目标    9
    2.2    系统分析    10
    2.2.1    总体要求    10
    2.2.2    可行性分析    10
    2.3    系统功能结构    11
    2.3.1    货物入库    12
    2.3.2    货物出库    12
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