    本课题是基于Android 2.3.3 SDK进行开发,结合J2ME的相关技术,数据库技术以及其他一些基于Android平台上封装好的应用开发技术,从而实现一个对手持设备存储器中的图片的浏览应用(以下简称浏览应用)的开发。论文完成的主要工作有:对浏览应用的意义和所用到的技术进行了概要性的介绍,接着从开发者的角度出发,对浏览应用进行了需求分析和概要设计,详细地对现有的浏览应用软件进行了分析,然后对程序的功能和技术进行了设计。由于移动设备的特殊性,在前期设计好界面后,以功能模块为基础,对结构进行了抽象和封装的设计。最后在模拟器和真实手机上进行测试。
    Development of Picture Browser based on Android
    Abstract:     With the development of handheld devices' hardware,more and more people are like to and want to watch pictures by the handheld device.People are not only use mobile phones,the tablet PC make the watching is more convenient and possible.And now,the biggest market share of the system is Android,a second developed and packaged by Linux.To design a picture browse application of Android will make the watching more convenient,avoid the lack of computer that is not easy to watch and change.
    This task develop by Android 2.3.3 SDK,combine with the technology of J2ME,Data Base and some other packaged technology by Android system to implement the picture browse application (browse application).The main work of this thesis:The meaning of browse application and the presentation of the technology,then at the view of developer,finish the requirement analysis and the preliminary design,analyze the browse application detailedly,at last design the function and skill.As the particularity of mobile devices,after finish the boundary,based on the function modules,design the structure by abstract and encapsulation.Testing in the real mobile phone and the virtual machine at last.
    This app have three modules,there are display module,pictures' detail module and modification module:The first module can scan pictures and the files;The second module can scan the pictures' detail information,Multi-Touch,slide change,transparency and so on.The third module include add watermarks,modify the size.
    Key words:picture browse application,J2ME,Android
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究主要内容    1
    1.2 国内外现状    1
    2 关键技术    2
    2.1 J2ME图像操作在ANDROID中的运用    2
    2.2 ANDROID中的重要组件    2
    2.2.1 Activity    3
    2.2.2 Service    3
    2.2.3 Broadcast Receiver    3
    2.2.4 ContentProvider    3
    2.3 SQLITE技术    3
    2.4 MVC框架的运用    4
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