关键词: 在线招聘系统;J2EE;应聘;招聘
The Design and Development of Online Recruitment Management System
Abstract: The paper which based on the J2EE framework fully understood the needs of the market and the needs of the applicant and employers. Using the Eclipse as development tools and the Struts, Spring and Hibernate three frame, the paper realized the online recruitment system. This system collected the enterprise recruitment information and the information of job seekers for the convenience to enterprise and candidates, and thus save the need of recruitment human and financial resources. The online recruitment system which based on the J2EE framework accord the needs of the society and market and realized the different functions through the different function module, such as to send your resume of candidates, to check the corresponding recruitment information, to view the announcement, to modify its registration information, to get back the password, to modify your resume. Interviewer can view your resume, release the demand information, download a resume, modify the corresponding demand information and delete your resume; Administrators can edit public announcement within the station, release stand inside announcement, validation recruitment party registration, create administrator and so on.
Keywords: online recruitment system; J2EE; Applicant; Interviewer;
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 提出课题 2
2 系统分析 3
2.1 可行性分析 3
2.2 需求分析 4
2.2.1 系统功能说明 4
2.2.2 系统数据流图 6
2.2.3 数据字典 6
2.3 系统性能需求 8
2.4 运行平台要求 9
3 系统设计 10
3.1 系统综述 10
3.2 模块设计 10
3.2.1 系统用例 10
3.2.2 系统类图 15
3.2.3 顺序图 15
3.3 数据库设计 17
3.3.1 概念结构设计 17
3.3.2 逻辑结构设计 19
3.3.3 建表 20
3.3.4 表结构关系图 21
4 系统实现 23
4.1 分层实现 23
- 上一篇:php+mysql博客网站的设计与实现+文献综述
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