    Securities data query and analysis
    Abstract:     With the rapid development of social economy, China's securities market and with the support of policy is becoming more and more perfect, a large number of stock brokerages in auxiliary software layer. This system mainly is the study of the securities data query, based on the certain analysis for stock data. First, this system requires certain understanding for the securities market, I browse through data, Internet access and communication between teachers and parents to understand the knowledge of this aspect; Then according to the result of requirement analysis of this system adopts the xy axis graphics to display the securities in the form of inpidual stocks as well as the detailed information of the plates and to analysis the whole data with graphics; The last for the whole scheme of software by using vs2013 the realization of the function of the query and analysis.
    Keywords:    Securities data; Security analysis;  Graphical display; quick query
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 软件的背景    1
    1.2 国内外的研究现状    1
    1.3 研究方向与内容    2
    2 证券数据的介绍    3
    2.1 证券的分析    3
    2.1.1 基本分析方法    3
    2.1.2  技术分析方法    3
    2.1.3、投资组合分析法    4
    2.1.4、行为金融分析法    4
    2.1.5、证券投资分析方法的比较    5
    2.2 证券名词的介绍    5
    3 数据查询与分析的设计    9
    3.1需求分析    9
    3.1.1功能性分析    9
    3.1.2非功能性需求    9
    3.2对于系统功能的设计    9
    3.3 系统逻辑关系的设计    10
    3.4开发环境的选择    12
    3.4.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013    12
    3.4.2 硬件需求    12
    3.5系统数据概念设计    13
    4 证券数据查询与分析系统的实现    13
    4.1程序界面的设计    13
    4.2证券数据的导入和删除    14
    4.3 数据的查询    14
    4.4  数据的分析    17
    4.5 对于数据图形的绘制    19
    5  系统测试    22
    5.1 证券数据导入    22
    5.2 证券查询与分析主界面    23
    5.3证券查询功能    23
    5.4 板块查询    25
    5.5 用户自选股到添加和删除    26
    5.6数据分析    27
    6. 总结    29
    致谢    31
    参考文献    32
     1    绪论
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