    摘要:本环保行业ERP采购与库存管理系统,是在wampserver环境下使用php技术进行开发的。该系统主要完成了ERP系统中的采购与库存模块,实现了新建合同、新建转移单、新建派车单、出厂回厂工具确认、质量数量确认、入库等一系列功能。研究与开发本系统的最终目标是为中小型的企业成功建设ERP系统,引进国外先进的企业经营管理模式。在企业管理方面,我国现在的企业管理思想还是非常落后的,虽然有很多大型制造企业采用了Oracle Erp或者SAP,但是对于广大的中小型企业来说,还是没有非常适合的企业管理系统。因为国外ER起源较早,思文方式已被绝大多数企业接受,所以说国外的ERP用的比较广,并且非常注重智能化管理,而在中国国人习惯了人力管理,还没有彻底接受这样一个企业管理模式。根据我国国情,我国企业的管理基础以及ERP的应用基础与发达国家的企业相比,尚有较大的差距,我国在实施ERP的路上还有很长的一段路要走!33216
    ERP Purchase and the environmental industry
    Design and Realization of Inventory Management System
    Abstract:The environmental protection industry ERP procurement and inventory management system, is developed using PHP Technology in the wampserver environment. The system mainly completed the procurement and inventory module of ERP system, the realization of a new contract, the new single, new sent a car, factory back tool factory confirmation, confirm the number of quality, storage and a series of function transfer. The ultimate goal of this system is to build the ERP system successfully for small and medium enterprises, and introduce foreign advanced enterprise management mode.. In the aspect of enterprise management, now the enterprise management thinking in China is still very backward, although there are many large manufacturing enterprises using Oracle ERP or sap, but for the vast number of small and medium enterprises or not very suitable for the enterprise management system. Because foreign Er origin earlier, way of thinking has been accepted, the vast majority of enterprises, so that foreign ERP is widely used, and pay great attention to the intelligent management, and human resource management was used to in China, there is no completely accept such an enterprise management mode. According to the national conditions of our country, compared to the management of enterprises in our country and the basis of application of ERP in developed countries and enterprises, there is still a big gap, our country in the implementation of ERP on the road there is a long section of the road to go!
    Keywords: ERP systems; analysis and design; php
     目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 采购与库存管理概述    1
    1.3 课题的目的及意义    1
    1.3.1 课题的目的    1
    1.3.2 课题的意义    1
    1.3.3国内外研究概况以及发展趋势    1
    1.4 本文研究内容    2
    第2章  需求分析    3
    2.1 可行性研究    3
    2.1.1 技术可行性    3
    2.1.2 经济可行性    3
    2.2 系统综合要求    3
    2.2.1 功能需求    3
    2.2.2 性能需求    3
    2.3 系统流程图    4
    2.4 系统数据流图    4
    2.5 开发环境    4
    2.6 本章小结    4
    第3章  系统设计    6
    3.1 总体设计    6
        3.1.1  设计原则    6
    3.1.2  体系结构设计    6
    3.1.3  软件结构设计    6
  1. 上一篇:网络信息安全存在的问题及处理方法研究
  2. 下一篇:java+mysql宿舍管理系统的设计
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