    毕业论文关键词:Java Web;Tomcat;MySQL;MyEclipse;学生宿舍管理系统
    The Design and Implementation of Dormitory Management
    Abstract: In the case of the increment of enrollment in universities, adopting the method of written records of the dormitory management work becomes heavy increasingly, which cannot satisfy the need of reality. Therefore, low efficiency of manual recording methods are in urgent need of a highly efficient, modern, combined with the contemporary management of the Internet technology to be replaced.
    It is based on Windows operating system of college students' dormitory management system in this dissertation. The whole process of campus dormitory management carried on the detailed demand analysis. The use of the system is pided into three roles, such as system administrator, building administrators and students. System administrator permissions include building administrator management, building management, dormitory management, student check-in, emigration, etc. Building administrator permissions management, mainly including student management, visiting, health checking and repair service and utilities information management. Students' main permissions include the recording of absence from dormitory, repair service, view information online and paying for the utilities every month. The dormitory management can improve the efficiency of college students' apartment management work by using this system. System design and development mode is server/client system structure model. The system use MyEclipse as development tools, Tomcat server and MySQL database for development. The college student dormitory management system requirements detailed analysis, design and the actual development as the main clue. The design and implementation of the whole process is given in the dormitory management.
    Keywords: Java Web; Tomcat; MySQL; MyEclipse; Student Dormitory Management System
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外现状    1
    1.3 研究内容    2
    1.4 内容安排    2
    第2章  需求分析    3
    2.1 系统需求分析    3
    2.1.1 系统管理员的信息需求    3
    2.1.2 楼宇管理员的信息需求    3
    2.1.3 学生的信息需求    4
    2.2 功能需求    4
    2.2.1 用户登录    4
    2.2.2 学生信息管理    4
    2.2.3 宿舍信息管理    5
    2.3 安全性要求    5
    2.4 完整性要求    6
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