    Based on java language website design and development
    Abstract:As people's living standards increasing globalization and the Internet, more and more sites mall also appear in people's lives. The book is part of everyday life, is the so-called book is the ladder of human progress, but now more and more networks are gradually replacing the traditional physical bookstores bookstore business model, people not only do not go through an online bookstore can buy books, and You can more easily find the book you want to own, and quick, and convenient.
    This article describes how to use java language to do a bookstore website. The online bookstores including login, registration, add to cart and some ordinary online store features. I am on this machine is configured tomcat server, so this site is limited to within the machine on the LAN access. Web site related to the interface, functions, configuration java environment and other issues, the need to use java in jsp, jdk, ajax and other related knowledge, I feel still need to learn more things to solve these problems.
    Keywords: Java; Server; Client;Online Bookstore
    1 绪论    1
    1.1.项目背景    1
    1.2.研究现状和发展趋势    1
    1.3.研究目的及意义    1
    2 项目需求分析    2
    2.1. java运行环境配置    2
    2.2. 服务器的设置    3
    2.3. 数据库的安装    3
    2.4. myEclpes    3
    2.5. 所用模板界面    3
    3 项目所用技术    4
    3.1. Struts2    4
    3.2. Jsp页面    4
    3.3. Hibernate    4
    3.4. Ajax    5
    3.5. Jquery    5
    3.6.所用到的重要概念    5
    3.6.1所用到重要概念    5
    3.6.2 四种会话跟踪技术    5
    4 项目设计思路    6
    4.1. 数据库    6
    4.1.1 数据库的建立    6
    4.1.2 数据库建表    6
    4.1.3 表的外键关系    7
    4.2. 服务器端包的设计    7
    4.2.1 核心包(包名:com.bookStore.core)    7
    4.2.2 服务包(包名:com.bookStore.service)    8
    4.2.3 工具包(包名:com.bookStore.tools)    8
    4.2.4 web包(包名:com.bookStore.web)    9
    4.3. 配置文件生成    9
    4.4. 页面选用设计    10
    4.4.1 最上层页面(haed.jsp)    10
    4.4.2 最下层页面(foot.jsp)    10
    4.4.3 登录界面(login.jsp)    11
    4.4.4 注册界面(register.jsp)    11
    4.4.5 首页(index.jsp)    12
    4.4.6 图书分类界面(products.jsp)    12
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