    摘  要:由于社会的发展,知识已经成为这个时代的一个重要标志,图书馆的存在使得老师和学生获取信息速度更快,方便了教师和学生的学习。但是,图书的数据库内包含的内容特别庞大,这也给管理学校图书馆的工作人员带来了很大的困难。图书馆管理员不仅要管理庞大的书籍信息,而且还有大量的读者信息需要管理。巨大的工作量单纯凭借人工管理的方式,显然是很难办到的,这不但需要花费大量的人力,物力,而且信息容易丢失和产生错误。本图书馆管理系统基于MFC的框架,并结合上述的各类信息的管理的需要,并且经过详细的需求分析,初步设计和详细设计、最终建设等步骤完成了系统的开发。前台使用MFC库设计,后台数据库使用Access,系统主要由各类信息管理,图书管理员日常工作,借阅信息查询等部分组成,以满足图书馆管理的总体要求。34341
    毕业论文关键词:VC++  图书管理系统  MFC  数据库
    Library management system based on VC++
    Abstract:With the development of society, knowledge has become an important part of the times, the existence of library makes the teacher and the students get information more quickly than before. Library is convenient for teachers and students learning and yet the library database contains a large of work which make the library staff have great difficulties. Librarians should not only manage large information of books, but also manage a large information of readers. Obviously it is almost impossible to manage such large information by artificial way. It not only needs to spend a lot of manpower and material resources and but also easy to lose information and have errors. This library management system is based on the MFC framework, and combined with the needs of all kinds of information management. After a detailed requirements analysis, library management system is developed in this paper. The front of library management system uses MFC, the background database uses Access. The system is mainly composed of various kinds of information management, librarian daily work and library information query, in order to meet the overall requirements of library management.
    Keywords: VC++   library management system  MFC  database
    1  绪论    5
    1.1  传统图书馆操作特点    5
    1.2  图书馆的发展趋势    6
    1.3  课题的研究意义    6
    1.4  图书管理系统的设计要求    6
    2  系统设计    9
    2.1  需求分析    9
    2.2 系统可行性    10
    2.2.1  经济成本    10
    2.2.2  开发技术可行性    10
    2.2.3  运行可行性    11
    2.3  开发工具的介绍    11
    2.3.1  C++编程语言的介绍    11
    2.3.2  Microsoft Office  Access软件介绍    11
    2.3.3  VC++ 6.0编程软件的简介    12
    2.3.4  MFC的简介    13
    2.3.5  ODBC的简介    13
    3  总体设计    15
    3.1  设计原则    15
    3.2  模块分析    16
    3.2.1  图书信息管理    16
    3.2.2  日常工作操作模块    17
    3.2.3  读者及用户信息管理    17
    3.3  模块框架图    18
    3.4  管理系统具体设计    19
    4  设计过程    23
    4.1  设计过程思想    23
    4.2  系统基本功能设计    23
    4.2.1  各项功能实现的设计    23
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