    摘  要:现在,我国各级政府机构正积极应用现代计算机网络技术,将行政文书处理业务的管理与服务转移到线上去完成,其核心就是构建一个按相关政府工作流程定制的,基于工作流基础的文书处理体系,实现文书处理在政府内部的系统化流转以及规范化办理。其中,基于工作流的文书处理系统,有助于提升政府部门文书处理的效率,更好地服务社会大众;同时,由于政府部门文书处理的严格、严肃性,所以可以通过比较完善的系统确保公文处理严格遵循有关工作流程。34368
    Design and Implementation of Word Processing System Based on Workflow
    Abstract: Now, government agencies at all levels of our country is actively used modern computer network technology, the administrative document processing business management and service transfer to line up completed, based on workflow based instrument processing system, the implementation of document processing within the government system transfer and standardized management in. Which based on the workflow of document processing system, to promote government documents processing efficiency, better service to the community; at the same time, due to the government documents dealing with strict, serious, so it can be through relatively perfect system to ensure that the document processing and strictly follow the relevant work flow.
    This system mainly according to the actual needs of relevant government departments of records, on the analysis and reference to foreign similar system based on the advantages and technical trend by applying the workflow technology in the processing of documents of government departments, research and development and to achieve the Government Secretariat management system; the relevant departments of the instrument to according to the process of circulation, reduce the related person in charge of the workload, improve the efficiency of the work of the relevant departments.
    Keywords: Workflow technology;government;document processing
     目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 开发背景    1
    1.2 系统简介    1
    1.3 系统的主要特点    1
    1.4 发展趋势    2
    1.5 本文研究内容及主要贡献    2
    第2章  系统的开发工具    4
    2.1 MYECLIPSE简介    4
    2.2 ORACLE 数据库简介    4
    2.3 JSP技术及其特点    4
    2.4工作流技术介绍    5
    第3章  系统分析    6
    3.1 可行性分析    6
    3.1.1  经济可行性分析    6
    3.1.2  技术可行性分析    6
    3.1.3  操作可行性分析    6
    3.1.4  社会可行性分析    6
    3.2 需求分析    6
    3.2.1  系统综合要求的分析    7
    3.2.2  系统数据分析    8
    3.2.3  系统概念性数据模型分析    8
    第4章  系统设计    13
    4.1 系统功能模块设计    13
    4.2 数据库及其标准    14
    4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计    14
    第5章  系统实现    16
    5.1登录模块实现    16
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