    Development of Automotive Maintenance Management System
    Abstract:  Motor vehicle maintenance and vehicle information management is to manage customer information and accessories, including customer appointment management, fitting the basic information, maintenance management, inventory alarm management, customer information management. Staff management, cash register management, real business vehicle information management systematization, automation and standardization. In order to realize the business of vehicle maintenance information management systematic, automated and standardized. Primary consideration basic vehicle information management needs, should have the following features: accessory information management functions, including adding accessories category, Accessories Category query; add accessories, accessories queries. The design process repeatedly quoted ADO controls, SQL language, to solve the visual interface and database information entry and call frequently difficult problem, improve the reliability and ease of data entry database calls. System access queries using SQL queries solved key technical problems the system browser interface date search function implemented to improve the management of customer inquiries and car searches.
    Keywords:    Automation; Information Management;  Datebase
    目  录
    1   引言    1
    1.1 大众汽车文修管理系统简介    1
    1.2 系统开发的背景和目的    2
    1.3 系统设计的主要内容    3
    1.4汽车文护系统的研究现状和发展趋势    4
    1.5工作进度    5
    2   系统开发的相关技术    7
    2.1 开发工具    7
    2.2 JAVA基础    7
    2.3 相关知识点    8
    3   需求分析    9
    3.1 对功能的规定    9
    3.2 对性能的规定    11
    3.2 .1 精度    11
    3.2 .2 时间特性要求    11
    3.2.3 灵活性    11
    3.3 对界面的规定    11
    3.4 故障处理要求    12
    3.5 其他专门要求    13
    4   数据库设计    14
    4.1 ADO技术简介    14
    4.1.1ADO的特点概述    14
        4.1.2 ADO的对象
    4.2 系统功能模块的划分    16
    5   系统实施    21
    5.1 目标    21
    5.2 用户的特点    21
    5.3  功能实现    22
    5.3.1 系统登陆模块    22
    5.3.2 管理员信息管理模块    23
    5.3.3 库存报警信息管理模块    24
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