    摘要:    本系统为工会联合会网站系统,主要功能为实现当前大型综合高科技园区企业的信息化管理。系统实现了对园区内新闻信息的发布,对职工权益知识进行了宣传和教育,对男女职工间的交友信息及活动进行了信息化管理以及对职工摄影等业余职业与爱好给予了支持和管理。系统通过工会管理人员对园区内的新闻、公告等信息进行管理并对外公布。系统通过每次的交友活动对参加的交友信息进行录入,以便男女职工之间的信息交流;系统还通过职工摄影人员的每项活跃情况对每个人进行分录汇总,以实现分录得分及累计积分等。通过对用户需求的分析,实现了职工摄影人员的登录、发帖、回复及打分等操作进行综合得分汇总等,实现对园区新闻、公告等信息的发布与更新;设计实现中通过视图关联多表的方法实现了会员积分统计功能,通过页面JS控制字符串数组的方法实现了静态新增并保存多条数据记录。5964
    关键词:    工会联合会;交友信息管理;图片评分;职工摄影积分;摄影图片上传
    The Trade Union Federation Website System Implementation and Design
    Abstract:     This system is used for trade union federation website system, main function of which is to realize the information management of large-scale comprehensive hi-tech park enterprises. The topic mainly expounds the release and management of the information of park enterprise of the system, such as the release of news and information in the park, the propaganda and education the knowledge of the rights and interests of Staff, the management of the information and activities of worker both male and females, and the management of the amateur career enthusiasts such as staff photographers. The system manages and publishes the news and announcements of the park by the administrator. Through every dating activity for dating information entry, the system promotes the communication between men and women workers; To realize compute the part score and total score of the photographer, the system gets the entry summary for each person based on her or his each active. Through the analysis of user needs, to achieve the worker photography staff login, post, reply, ratings, etc for comprehensive score summary, etc and to achieve campus news, announcements, etc information release and update. Design implementation through the view associated multi-table statistical method implements the members of the integral function. Through the function of JavaScript of the page control string array method implements the static multiple items and save the new record.
    Keywords:    trade union; dating information management; image rating; photography worker integral; Photographic images uploading
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    开发背景    1
    1.2    开发意义    1
    2    系统分析    4
    2.1    系统需求分析    4
    2.1.1    前台页面    4
    2.1.2    工会管理    6
    2.1.3    职工权益    7
    2.1.4    工会交友    7
    2.1.5    职工摄影    7
    2.2    系统开发设计思想    8
    2.3    设计规范    8
    2.3.1    命名约定    8
    2.3.2    界面约定    10
    2.4    系统开发主要技术    10
    2.4.1    B/S系统的三层体系结构    10
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