    系统选用工作流为jBPM,编程语言为Java,设计遵循了传统的三层开发模式理念,即客户表现层,逻辑处理层以及数据访问层的设计理念开发,结构清晰,使用简便。使用的开发工具:Eclipse、Jboss 7.1、PostgreSQL。
    关键词:    考勤;在线申请;三层开发模式;5963
    MBP Check on work attendance OA System
    The main function of MBP Check on work attendance OA System is to achieve employee online four kinds of application: abnormal attendance, sick leave, private affair leave and take a vocation And view the personal daily and monthly attendance and leave status. The system also meets minister view online, marking the application documents. At the same time, managers can statistical staff attendance and leave. This paper mainly describes the development process of the system and technical problems involved, mainly to the leave app subsystem of the whole system detailed analysis and design and realization.
    The system proposed is mainly because the MBP has been using the method of examination and approval for traditional. The paper document to fill out the application form to the project manager and secretary department approval, In today's technology form is not only a waste of resources and reduces the company all staff work efficiency.
    The workflow of the System is jBPM, and the programming language is Java. The design follows the idea of traditional development mode of three layers: Client presentation layer, logic layer and data access layer design concept development. It is Clear structure and easy to use. Development tool: Eclipse、Jboss 7.1、PostgreSQL.
    Keywords: Check on work attendance; Online application; three development mode;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    2    技术背景    3
    2.1    技术简介    3
    2.1.1    架构设计    3
    2.1.2    开发工具简介    4
    2.2    主要应用技术    5
    2.2.1    Java EE    5
    2.2.2    Java Bean    6
    2.2.3    JSF    7
    2.2.4    JPA    8
    2.2.5    EJB    8
    2.2.6    jBPM    9
    3    需求分析    10
    3.1.1    系统需求分析    10
    3.1.2    权限划分    11
    3.1.3    系统模块划分    11
    3.1.4    功能分析    11
    3.1.5    数据流图    13
    4    数据库设计    15
    4.1    数据库设计步骤    15
    4.2    概念结构设计    16
    4.2.1    申请者实体对应属性    17
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