    摘要: Flash是Macromedia公司的一个关于网页交互的动画制作工具。可以利用Flash软件来制作基本动画、多层动画以及合并声音,导入素材,创建和使用元件为其添加动画效果,进行动画作品的测试。目前随着网络的普及和flash软件的大量推广应用,flash商业广告已经作为一种新型的广告形式被越来越多的商家关注并使用。本次课题项目主要是使用flash,Photoshop等多媒体软件来完成“元胡止痛滴丸”药品广告片的设计与制作,其中包括广告片制作,背景音乐剪辑,旁白解说,后期整合等。要求能够了解本毕业设计对象“元胡止痛滴丸”的产品特点,同时学习广告宣传片制作的表达主题的思路以及视频剪辑方法,结合多种多媒体的表达方式,将图像,动画,视频,艺术字,声音等多媒体信息进行全面的整合和主题的展现。34775
    毕业论文关键词:    药品;广告;元胡止痛滴丸;设计; flash;
    The design and production of " Yuanhuzhitong dropping pills" drug advertisement
    Abstract:     Flash is a animation tool about the web interactive, it is belongs to Macromedia company. You can use Flash software to create basic animation, multilayer animation and sound merge, import materials, creating and using components to add animation effects, a test animation work. With the current popularity of the network widely promoted and flash operating software, flash business advertising has emerged as a new form of advertising more and more businesses are concerned and use. The main subject of the project is to use the flash, Photoshop and other multimedia software to complete "Yuanhuzhitong Dripping Pill" drug commercials design and production, including commercial production, background music clips, narration, post-integration. It requires the ability to understand this graduation design objects "Yuanhuzhitong Dripping Pill" product characteristics, while learning to express ideas and themes of video clips advertising film production method, combining a variety of multimedia expression, image, animation, video, art word, sound and other multimedia information to show the comprehensive integration and topics.
    Keywords:    Drugs; advertising; Yuanhuzhitong dropping pills; design; flash;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    引言    1
    1.2    FLASH的概述    2
    1.2.1    简介    2
    1.2.2    Flash的发展    2
    1.2.3    Flash广告的特点    3
    1.2.4    Flash的发展前景    4
    1.2.5    Flash的应用领域    5
    1.3    药品广告片设计与制作的现状与发展趋势    6
    1.3.1    国内外研究现状与水平    6
    1.3.2    发展趋势    6
    1.4    本课题的目的和意义    7
    2    分析    8
    2.1    课题项目    8
    2.2    设计方案构思    8
    2.3    素材准备    8
    2.3.1    图片素材    8
    2.3.2    音频素材    9
    2.3.3    视频素材    10
    2.4    本课题的重难点分析    10
    2.4.1    重点分析    10
    2.4.2    难点分析    11
    3    设计    12
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