    摘要:    课题是基于.NET的网上火车票订购管理系统设计,网上火车票订票管理系统即方便了购票者能够便捷的购买火车票,又能让火车售票管理人员轻松的管理火车票业务。网上火车票订购系统的设计采用微软的VS2008集成开发环境进行开发,前台采用普通的HTML语言进行编写,而将C#语言作为编程语言,同时SQL Server 2005 作为后台数据库,从而建立一个完善的网上购票系统。设计采用了两部分模块,第一模块是购票模块,它的功能是供用户购买车票、查询余票、退订车票的功能;第二模块是管理模块,这一模块是为管理人员设计,管理人员可以通过该模块进行对列车车次的添加删除功能。为了让用户对设计更加满意,设计还有留言板的功能,能够让用户随时给予建议,这样以来,设计的完成能够更好的满足用户方便的购买车票。34779
    毕业论文关键词:    查询功能;SQL 数据库;ASP.NET;购票模块;管理模块
     The Design of the Online Order Management System of the Train Ticket based on.NET
    Abstract:     Online Order Management System of the Train Ticket is designed based on,and the Online Order Management System of the Train Ticket is not only convenient for tickets consumers but also conducive to train ticket selling business. The development environment of Online train tickets booking system is Microsoft VS2008, uses ordinary HTML language to write for front desk, and using C# as the development language and using Server SQL 2005 as the background database, to establish an intact and perfect online tickets buying system. The design adopts two modules. The first one is the ticket purchasing module, whose function is provides platform for consumers to purchase, check and unsubscribing tickets. The second one is management module, designed for managers to add or remove train numbers. And besides, this design has the message board function, allowing consumers to give instant suggestions, to make consumers more gratified with the design. In this way, the design could extensively satisfy consumers’ demands.
    Keywords:    Inquiry function;SQL Server 2005;ASP.NET;The ticket module;Management module
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    基于.NET的网上火车票订购管理系统设计概述    2
    1.1    课题背景    2
    1.2    问题的提出    2
    1.3    研究意义    3
    1.4    开发方法    3
    1.5    系统开发环境    4
    1.5.1    Visual Studio.NET开发平台    4
    1.5.2    ASP.NET 2.0开发技术    5
    1.5.3    ADO.NET数据访问技术    5
    1.5.4    Microsoft SQL Server 2005简介    6
    1.6    B/S结构    7
    1.7    使用工具    7
    1.7.1    设计数据库的工具——SQL Server 2005    7
    1.7.2    使用Asp.net语言编程的工具——VS2008    7
    2    系统分析    8
    2.1    需求分析    8
    2.2    可行性分析    9
    2.2.1    技术可行性    9
    2.2.2    经济可行性    9
    2.2.3    操作可行性    10
    2.3    系统设计目标    10
    2.3.1    设计从始至终贯穿着这样的原则:    10
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