    关键词: 配课系统;Java;数据库。
    Based on Java Automated Course Scheduling System
    ABSTRACT:In this paper,an algorithm for arranging schedule on the campus is tentatively proposed after consulting these popular software of the same type in the market like “Crystal Scheduling” , and it has been tried to developed .The problem of arranging schedule is largely to solve the proper and effective usage of various teaching resources, such as classrooms, teachers and so on, to avoid the conflict on the time or the place of the schedule, and to make the time produced on the average. In the design of the algorithm,different priorities are assigned to the operation of the arranging schedule,make it complished priority by priority,and thus bring down the probability of the conflict of the time arranging effectively,increase the probability of the successive arranging. Moreover, in order to make sure the teaching resources won’t be used too intensively,and realize the average usage,the system designs the arranging levels for the teacher and the classroom.
        The proposal of the algorithm is just an attempt,so there are lots of defects,which are to be improved in future.
    Key words: Course Scheduling System; Java; Data Base

    1 引言    1
    2系统概述    1
    2.1 自动配课管理系统概述    1
    2.2 目前配课系统存在的问题    2
    2.3配课管理系统的目的和意义    2
    2.4 发展趋势    2
    2.5 信息管理系统(MIS)    4
    3 系统分析    4
    3.1 编程环境选择    5
    3.1.2 Myeclipse插件集合    5
    3.1.3 Web服务器Tomcat    6
    3.1.4 数据库连接JDBC    7
    3.2设计大纲    8
    4 设计内容    9
    4.1实现功能    9
    4.2功能与模块的设计    9
    4.2.1 设计思想    9
    4.2.2 初步设计思路    10
    4.3数据库设计    13
    4.3.1 需求分析    14
    4.3.2 概念结构设计    15
    4.3.3 逻辑设计    16
    4.3.4 物理设计    17
    4.4 工作量计算    19
    4.5 课表生成    22
    4.6 数据备份和恢复    25
    5 系统具体窗口模块    26
    6设计进程    31
    7 结论和总结    32
    参考文献    33
    致 谢    33
    1 引言

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