    毕业论文关键词:    Android;数独;Java
     Design and Implementation of the Android platform game based on Sudoku
    Abstract: Today, the mobile phone industry booming rapidly in the 21st century, but with the advent and popularity of the Android system, more and more cell phone users are turning to Android system, its inpiduality, practicality and scalability good, by the outside world of good evaluation and support.Essential to have several mobile games on everyone's phones, as people increasingly fast pace of work, the phone game is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives.Sudoku game, breaking the restrictions of time and place, so that people can find anywhere in the game fun, enjoy the process quickly and easily enjoyable game, enrich people's lives and entertainment. Sudoku because of its simple, no language-specific basis, but also played a role in the development of the human brain thinking, so quickly swept the globe.Many players and scholars Sudoku game is endless obsession, of course, include a lot of computer programmers, many of them available online for free download Sudoku puzzle program.
    In this thesis, based on the Android platform Sudoku APP needs analysis, system design from several aspects of overall system development environment, system objectives, the design process, functional design, the use of the Java language was designed based on the number of Android platform Sudoku APP, including difficulty selection, reset and exit the main function module, the function of APP Sudoku game. Through the function of the system test, the test results show that the system is good good interface, features a more complete, easy to operate.
    Keywords:    Android;Sudoku;Java
    目 录
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    iii
    目 录    iv
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.1 数独的概念    1
    1.1.2 数独的历史    1
    1.1.3 Android市场背景分析    2
    1.1.4 主要竞争对手分析    3
    1.1.5 手机游戏的特征    4
    1.1.6 手机APP发展现状    5
    1.2 研究目的和意义    5
    1.2.1 Android发展现状与前景分析    6
    1.2.2 Android平台的优势    6
    1.3 研究内容    7
    1.4 本文章节安排    7
    2 开发环境    9
    2.1 ANDROID概述    9
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