    摘要:客户关系管理系统的开发主要针对的就是客户关系的管理。客户,对于一个企业是极其重要的资源,所以客户资源的合理管理,和企业的生存与发展有着十分紧密的关系。客户关系管理系统的引入,就是改善企业和各户之间的关系链的重要措施。CRM系统作为管理企业和客户关系的主要管理平台,不仅可以通过对客户关系的管理起到资源整合的作用,还可以记录企业同客户之间的业务活动。 该系统用visual studio2010和SQL server2005实现了对客户信息的管理、统计和分析、查询以及管理员对系统权限等功能。随着近几年中小型企业的不断增加,对客户管理系统的需求也随之增加,因此客户关系管理系统实用性强,理应有着良好的应用前景和广泛的受用群体。本系统还可以根据实际应用的具体情况,再适当加以修改,以便于更好的应用到实际操作中去。本文将会详细的介绍此次客户关系管理系统开发和设计的全过程。36480
    毕业论文关键词:    客户关系管理系统;管理系统;数据库;企业和客户关系
    The Development of Customer Relationship Management System
    Abstract: The development of customer relationship management system mainly aims at the management of customers’ relationship. Customers, are the resources extremely important for each company, so the reasonable management of customer resources is closely related to the   survival and development of the company. Customer relationship management system, can be called CRM system for short, this system is the important measure introduced to improve the relationship between the companies and chains of each customer. A CRM system as the main platform which manage the relationship of company and customers, can not only play the role of resource integration through customer relationship management, but also record business activities between companies and the customers. The system use visual studio2010 and SQL server2005 to implement the management of customer information, statistics and analysis, query and administrator permissions to the system, and other functions. As an increasing number of smes(small and medium-size enterprise) in recent years, the demands for customer management system will also be increased. Therefore the customer relationship management (CRM) system is practical, is supposed to have a good application prospect and a wide range 
    of group to use. Addition, with the development of computer technology and network technology, CRM system’s function will also continually have development and improvement. This system can also be modified appropriately again according to the specific situation of the practical application, in order to better adapt to the practical application. This paper will detail the whole process of customer relationship management system development and design.
    Keywords: CRM;management system;database; the relationship between enterprises and customers
    摘要:    ii
    Abstract:    ii
    目录    vi
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.1.1 研究意义    1
    1.1.2 系统的特点    2
    2 调查    4
    2.1 研究现状    4
    2.1.1 国外现状    4
    2.1.2 国内现状    4
    3 分析    5
    3.1 系统开发的意义    5
    3.2 系统架构分析    5
    3.3 系统的可行性分析    5
    3.3.1 技术可行性分析    6
    3.3.2 经济可行性分析    6
    3.3.3 运行可行性分析    7
    3.3.4 可行性分析总结    7
    3.4 用户群体与市场分析    7
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