    摘要:    随着近些年互联网的迅速发展,网络已经遍及世界各地,无论是通过电脑,平板设备或是手机都可以快速链接互联网,足不出户便可知天下事。而淘宝,京东等一大批电子商务网站的崛起,也让人们渐渐喜爱上网上购物这一种新型的购物方式。36986
    毕业论文关键词:    电子商务;动态服务器页面;浏览器/服务器模式;数据库
    Design and Development of Online Shopping System
    Abstract:     With the rapid development of internet recent year, internet has been used everywhere in the world. Whether using computer, tablet device or mobile phone, all of them could connect the network quickly and get all new information without going out. Like Taobao, Jingdong and other e-commerce website, let people become suitable for shopping online.
         This project mainly researches the online shopping system. Develop a shopping website which is wide applicability, and set up a virtual shopping mall. Through this system, users could experience more relaxed and comfortable service. From foreground and background, to realize that customers use foreground to shopping, and staff uses background to manage.
         In this thesis, there are several parts. First part elaborates the purpose and meaning of this project, and also introduces feature, advantage and development of e-commerce, analyze users’ different demands, and research the method and effect of coming true this demands. Then introduce technique of this system including development platform of foreground and background, the design of every module. Finally test and optimize the whole system.
    Keywords:    E-commerce; ASP; B/S; SQL SERVER
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    在线购物网店概述    1
    1.1.1    课题背景    1
    1.1.2    课题目的与意义    2
    1.1.3    电子商务现状研究与未来发展趋势    3
    1.1.4    在线购物系统功能特点与优势    4
    1.1.5    课题主要内容与章节简介    4
    2    系统相关技术介绍    6
    2.1    系统结构    6
    2.2    系统技术分析    6
    2.2.1    ASP技术    6
    2.2.2    数据库    8
    2.2.3    IIS服务器    9
    2.2.4    HTML和CSS技术    10
    3    系统需求与分析    11
    3.1    系统总体需求规划    11
    3.2    系统可行性    12
    3.3    系统功能需求分析    13
    3.3.1    前台功能需求分析    13
    3.3.2    后台功能需求分析    14
    3.4    数据库需求与分析    15
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