    摘要:本文阐述了道路监控展示系统开发中所涉及的关键技术,解决了路况信息如何在路段上面显示的难点,确立了路况信息如何在路段上面显示的解决方案。本课题以英特网为桥梁、以基于Java的跨平台技术为基础、来构建道路监控展示系统,该系统基于MVC的设计模式所开发,系统使用目前较流行的一种Web应用程序开源框架SSH(spring+struts+hibernate)框架开发服务器端,使用该框架可以在短期内搭建结构清晰、可复用性好、文护非常方便的Web网站应用程序;网站前端设计开发使用的是界面非常漂亮、简洁的jQuery UI框架,jQuery UI是顶级的CSS 用户界面框架,它是一款基于jQuery的开放源程序Javascript框架,使用该框架可以极其方便地实现网页交互界面。道路监控展示系统是实现交通管理部门对道路监控信息、道路实时路况信息、路段实施拥堵情况等信息资源管理的综合性业务平台。使用这个平台,交通部门能实现交通智能化管理、提高效能、最终提高交通流畅性和安全性。36985
    毕业论文关键词:    实时路况;MVC;智能交通系统;JSP
    Design and Implementation of Road Monitoring Display System
    Abstract: In this paper, the monitor and control of road show the key technologies involved in the development of the system, solve the traffic information how in the above sections show the difficulty and established the traffic information in the above sections display solutions. This thesis takes the Internet as the bridge and takes the cross platform technology based on Java as the foundation to construct the road monitoring system, the system based on the MVC design pattern development, the system uses one of the more popular a web application open source framework SSH (Spring + struts + Hibernate) framework for the development of the server, using the framework can in the short term build a clear structure, and can reuse and maintenance is very convenient web applications, using the web front end design and development is very beautiful interface, simple jQuery UI framework, jQuery UI is top of CSS user interface framework, it is a based on jQuery open source JavaScript framework. This framework can very easily achieve interactive web interface. Road monitoring and display system is the comprehensive business platform for the traffic management department to manage the road monitoring information, road traffic information, road congestion and other information resources management. Using this platform, the traffic department can realize the traffic intelligent management, improve the efficiency, and ultimately improve the traffic flow and security.
    Keywords:    Real-Time Traffic; MVC; Intelligent Transportation System; JSP
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iv
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 发展趋势    3
    2 开发及运行环境的选择    4
    2.1 硬件平台的要求    4
    2.2 服务器和版本选择    4
    2.3 数据库选择    4
    2.4 开发框架的选择    5
    3 系统需求分析    6
    3.1 调研情况    6
    3.2 本课题的基本内容    6
    3.2.1 系统整体架构    7
    3.2.2 系统总体架构    7
    3.2.3 系统流程    9
    3.3 本课题的重点    10
    3.4 本课题的难点    10
    4 设计    12
    4.1 系统模块介绍    12
    4.1.1 前台管理系统功能    12
    4.1.2 后台管理系统功能    13
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