Design and implementation of network voting system
Abstract: With the continuous improvement of science and technology, computer science and technology matures, its powerful features have deep understanding for the people, it entered the human society each domain and is playing an increasingly important role. JSP online voting system is closely related to the online voting, the traditional pattern of voting system mechanical hard, quality is not high also. So we developed the JSP online voting system to vote.
In this paper, from the Angle of information system analysis, detailed tells the story of the JSP online voting system development process. The full text is pided into six chapters, first introduced the system development background and topic meaning, and feasibility analysis of the system in detail including software
development tools for MySql and JAVA working principle in detail, and then, according to the software development steps, from the demand analysis of JSP online voting system to the overall design and detailed design process of the realization of the function of the system is expounded in detail. Finally, the system has carried on the special test function, high degree of humanization, reflects the system management characteristics of efficient and maintainable.
Key Words: JSP online voting system; B/S architecture; MySql; Java
目 录
摘要 i
Abstract i
一 概 述 1
1.1全文概述 1
1.2 系统说明 1
1.3 系统特点 2
1.4 系统功能简介 2
1.5 全文概述 3
二 开发环境介绍 4
2.1 java简介 4
2.2 jsp简介 6
2.3 Struts构架技术简介 7
2.4 系统数据库介绍 10
2.4.1 数据库的概念 10
2.4.2 结构化查询语言(SQL)简介 11
2.5 MySql介绍 12
2.6 系统运行环境配置 13
2.7 本章小结 14
三 总体设计 15
3.1 开发背景 16
3.2 功能分析 18
3.3 数据流图 18
3.4 系统结构分析 18
3.4.1 逻辑结构 18
3.4.2 物理结构 19
3.5 本章小结 19
四 数据库设计 20
4.1 数据表的介绍 20
4.2 用户模块设计概述 20
4.2.1 系统原理 20
4.2.2 用户模块的程序流程图 21
- 上一篇:ASP.net+sqlserver网络招聘平台的设计与实现应聘用户子系统
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