    摘要:    SAP金税接口针对已经使用SAP管理软件和增值税防伪开票软件的企业,实现企业中两个系统的集成,在减少销售发票数据在两个系统之间人工迁移带来的重复工作和不安全因素的同时,满足企业多客户端同时远程开票的需求。本课题论文采用了组件接口模式,其中接口系统通过RFC接口模式与SAP交互,采用了SAP专为.NET平台提供的Nco连接器。与开票系统的连接采用了开票系统提供的组建接口,远程数据传输采用SOAP协议。本次课题主要的困难集中在SAP端的参数配置和接口组件的二次开发上。目前接口系统已实现SAP发票信息的正确获取和发票数据的远程传输,基本实现了课题预期。6351
    关键词:    SAP;金税;接口;RFC;SOAP
    SAP GoldenTax Interface Research and Tax Error Correction Algorithm Design
    Abstract:     SAP golden interface focus on company which use the SAP and VAT invoicing system, realize the integration of the two systems in enterprises and in reducing sales invoice data manual migration between the two systems of repeated work and unsafe factors at the same time, meet the needs of enterprise multiple clients making out an invoice at the same time remotely. This topic adopts the model of the component interface. The interface system get interaction with SAP by RFC interface pattern, and use developing tool which SAP is adopted for .NET platform called Nco connector. The connection with the GoldenTax system use the component patterns which provided by GoldenTax, remote data transmission using the SOAP protocol. To the difficulties of this topic is mainly Focused on the SAP parameter configuration, and the secondary development of the interface components. Interface system currently implemented SAP invoice information access and correct the invoice data remote transmission, subject has been basically achieved expected.
    Keywords:    SAP;GoldTax; Interface; RFC; SOAP
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    开发背景    1
    1.2    开发目的    1
    1.3    项目提出的意义    2
    1.4    论文篇章结构    2
    2    技术背景    3
    2.1    EAI概念    3
    2.2    SAP RFC接口技术    3
    2.2.1    基础知识    4
    2.2.2    应用架构    4
    2.2.3    调用过程    5
    2.2.4    通信状况    6
    2.3    开票子系统接口技术    7
    2.3.1    开票子系统介绍    7
    2.3.2    开票子系统接口    8
    2.4    WEB SERVICE技术    8
    2.4.1    基本介绍    9
    2.4.2    技术支持    9
    2.4.3    实现方式    10
    3    接口系统设计    11
    3.1    系统功能模块    11
    3.1.1    系统功能划分    11
    3.1.2    系统功能说明    13
    3.2    系统架构设计    14
    3.3    系统网络架构    15
    3.4    税差额处理    16
    3.4.1    税差额产生原因    16
    3.4.2    解决方案    17
    4    接口系统实现    19
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