    摘要:    随着Internet技术的发展,人们的学习生活已经离不开网络。未来社会人们的生活和学习将越来越依赖于数字技术的发展,越来越数字化、网络化、电子化、虚拟化。Internet的发展历程以及目前的应用状况和发展趋势,可以充分地相信网络技术将极大的改变我们的生活和工作方式,甚至社会的价值观也会发生某种变化。
       本《计算机基础》课程网站建设系统是运用Visual Studio 2010技术来实现的。其主要功能有:用户管理,查看文件,分类查找,视频播放,课件下载,留言板,教学大纲,授课计划,网站管理等。论文在撰写过程中,力求将理论与实践应用相结合,对各种理论进行阐述的同时配合系统从实际应用和操作技巧上加以说明,希望能够更充分地体现到这些知识与技术在本系统中的应用与实现。6359
    关键词:    面向对象分析与设计,VS2010,网络教学
    Websites Construction for the Course of Computer Basic
    Abstract:     With the development of Internet technology, people's lives have been inseparable from the network to learn. People's lives and the future of social learning will increasingly depend on the development of digital technology, more and more digital, network, electronic, virtualization. History of the development of Internet applications and the current situation and development trend of network technology can be fully believe will greatly change the way we live and work, and even social values also occur a change.
         Try this design on the network architecture a VS2010 "Computer Basics" course construction site, so that every student can not go out into the classroom, at home through the Internet will be able to easily learn. In this paper, both theoretical and practical point of view, with data mining functionality for a "Computer Foundation" Website design and implementation analysis. Firstly, a more detailed introduction to object-oriented analysis and design concepts and techniques, especially introducing in this system applied to the knowledge, such as: object-oriented analysis and design processes; system development techniques used by the VS2010 features, structural framework and use. Then the course analyzes the feasibility of the system, then the system design, system design goals and the overall structure of a clear plan. Finally, the system's main page, database, application design and implementation made a more detailed explanation.
        The "Computer Foundation" website building system is to use Visual Studio 2010 technologies to achieve. Its main features include: user management, view files, classification search, video playback, courseware downloads, message boards, syllabus, lesson plans, website management. Thesis writing process, and strive to be the combination of theory and practical application of various theories elaborated in conjunction with the system from the practical applications and operating skills to illustrate, I hope to be able to more fully reflect the knowledge and technology in this system application and Implementation.
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