    摘要:进入新世纪,新鲜事物不断涌现,人与人之间的交流采用了全新的媒介方式,博客、IM、朋友圈、APP诸如此类,这些都表明,web 2.0已经来了,全新的互联网阶段已经启动。web 1.0只是简单的页面展示,综合运用现在的新型互联网应用,才是未来信息交互的新方向。这个时代发展迅速,作为最早出现的web应用,博客仍然焕发了新的作用。39191
        在web 2.0中,web 2.0的核心应用,也是最典型、最流行的交流方式,其代表就是博客,即Blog。它是web 2.0技术的应用领军者,是web 2.0的独立精神和互联理念的互相结合。Blog详细记录了生活中的每一个角落,能够将自己的知识和他人分享;各种专业知识的Blog,蕴涵着巨大的信息价值,它们的不断涌现,让许多工程师改变了获取信息的主要来源,转向博客,使得Blog的社会价值的凸显;通过建立一个个人博客,推荐自我,展现自我,作为一种全新的生活、工作、学习方式,已经融入人们的生活;以前的交流与沟通方式,已经跟不上日新月异的时代,能够明确的选择并且有目的性的交流方式——Blog成为人们的新选择, Blog 深入的影响和改变了我们的现在和未来的生活。
    毕业论文关键词:个人博客 ; web;信息交互   
    The design and Realization of personal blog system
    Abstract: In the new century,new things are springing up constantly,people communicate with a totally new media,such as Blog,IM,Circle of Friends,APP. these show us, the arrival of a new stage of Internet web 2. Compared with web 1 or simple page display, a collection of new Internet applications is the new direction for future information interaction. This is a revolution, starting from the core, through the new technology, and finally to the application level of the revolution. In this era of rapid development, the Internet application tends to be per批sified, as the earliest web, blog still plays a role in Web 1, only the site to create content, is now creating content by the user web 2 new era.
    In the web 2.0,Blog is the most typical and popular representative of the core applications of web 2.0,and it is also the most intuitive  performance of the technology applications of the web 2.0,and it embodies the spirit and idea of the web 2.0.Blog records everything of our life,we can share our knowledge with others;Blogs with great information value and professional knowledge are springing up constantly,then Blog are become more valuable; Blog becomes the main source to get information for some engineers;People design their personal Blog website as a platform to introduce and show themselves,as a totally new style of life,work and study, it is closely linked with people`s life.The traditional communication mode is out of date, apparently,people would like to choose Blog, which has more specific choices and directions. The deep effect of Blog has changed our present and future life.
        Firstly,this system plans integratedly, then it makes a strict systematic analysis,through cross-checking test,finally,according to the principle of modularization,it was pided into article,photo albums,personal presentation and message board modules.It represents a socializing lightweight blog system which can manage conveniently,show oneself and spread knowledge sufficiently,and can make bloggers to interact with visitors friendly.
    Keywords: Personal blog; web; Information interaction;
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