摘要:本课题是以汽车4S店管理系统为开发对象,在Angular Js的构架下,利用Eclipse集成开发环境以及MySql数据库知识开发了一个管理系统。该管理系统的主要应用功能为营收管理、销售管理、文修管理、仓库管理等。在以Eclipse,SQLyog为集成开发环境的同时,安装Tomcat等插件。用Java语言为核心设计语言,实现相关功能;前端设计布局文件,实现布局界面可以分为三层:结构层对应HTML;表现层对应CSS;行为层对应Javascript。通过调用接口实现数据库中的数据调用,可以完成新增,修改,删除,查找等操作。目前汽车4S店管理系统的各功能模块已基本完成并通过了测试, 能够在大多数浏览器上运行的管理系统,在保证了系统成功实现的同时,也在一定程度上合理规划了界面布局,提升了用户使用体验。41269
毕业论文关键词: 管理系统;数据;数据库;核心;用户体验;
The design and implementation of
the management system of the automobile 4S shop
Abstract:This topic is based on the car 4S shop management system for the development of the object, in the framework of Js Angular, the use of Eclipse integrated development environment and MySql database knowledge developed a management system. The main application of the management system for revenue management, sales management, maintenance management, warehouse management, etc.. The purpose is to use the computer management system to carry on the reasonable storage and the management to the transaction data, for the enterprise or inpidual to use. In order to SQLyog, Eclipse for the integrated development environment at the same time, the installation of Tomcat and other plug-ins. Using Java language as the core design language, realize the related functions; front-end design layout file, the layout interface can be pided into three layers: the structure layer corresponds to HTML; the corresponding layer corresponds to CSS; the behavior layer corresponds to Javascript. In summary, the development of a certain data storage and management functions, can run on most browsers management system.At the present, auto 4s shops management system of each function module has been basically completed. At the same time of ensuring the system functions achieved, the user experience is improved to some extent.
Key words: management system;data;Database;core;User Experience;
1 引言 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 课题目的和意义 2
1.3 本文的主要工作 3
2 开发工具与系统环境的介绍 3
2.1 原型设计工具AXURE RP 3
2.2 开发工具ECLIPSE 3
2.3 数据库MYSQL 4
2.4 系统环境 4
2.5 本章小结 4
3 需求调研和系统分析 4
3.1 需求调研分析 4
3.1.1 实地调研 4
3.1.2 产品试用 5
3.2 业务流程分析 5
3.2.1 营收管理 5
3.2.2 销售管理 6
3.2.3 文修管理 7
3.2.4 仓库管理 8
3.2.5 系统设置 9
3.3 可行性分析 9
3.3.1 经济可行性分析 9
3.3.2 技术可行性分析 10
- 上一篇:asp.net+sqlserver高校学生理财系统的设计与开发
- 下一篇:jsp+mysql高校新生信息服务平台的设计与开发