    Library management system is with the improvement of people's living standard, the variety of books and readers, the fast rise in number of product emerge as the times require. In order to carry out the information and data management, complex increase efficiency, we need to use the computer, improve the information-based degree, developed a set of convenient management system of book information.
    This paper uses MyEclipse as a development tool, combined with the Tomcat server and SQLServer2005 database, the design and implementation of a B/S architecture used the pet library management system. Using the B/S framework for the development is due to the B/S architecture on the client computer hardware requirements low, strong stability. MyEclipse, Tomcat and SQLServer2005 in the development of low cost, suitable for small information management system. Library management system in the first book of information related to registration and storage, the second view readers to borrow books and management. From the books to add, delete and readers to borrow, return, every step to improve the degree of information, improve the efficiency of management.
    System is mainly to achieve the following functions: search for books, borrow and return books, books management, reader information management etc.. The reader only needs to access the system through the browser, they can easily search for a book, borrowing and returning books and other operations. Similarly, the librarian can information data management using this system is convenient to complete the library.
    [Key words]:JSP; Java; Book Manage System
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1、项目概述    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 图书管理系统的发展    1
    1.2.1图书管理系统的发展历程    1
    1.2.2图书管理系统的发展现状    2
    1.3研究意义    3
    1.4 论文结构    3
    1.4.1课题的主要工作    3
    1.4.2课题的研究目标    3
    1.4.3论文结构    3
    2、相关技术简介    4
    2.1 JSP简介    4
    2.2 SQLServer2005简介    4
    2.3 Tomcat服务器    4
    2.4 系统开发环境    5
    3、系统分析    5
    3.1 系统需求分析    5
    3.2 可行性分析    6
    3.2.1经济可行性    6
    3.2.2技术可行性    6
    3.2.3法律可行性    6
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