     ABSTRACT For a long time, this piece of information is often rely on the management of artificial,However, with the continuous expansion of school size, the number of students will be more and more, if it is entirely dependent on human management,Not only will make a lot of manpower and material resources waste, And because of the lack of standard manual management, it will directly affect the correctness of the information,So it is very necessary to develop a set of student management software.
    The topic that I do is the student management system, The top-down structure is used to analyze the system,and its basic operation,It's easy to use, Mainly to achieve some of the basic operation of information.Today, mankind has entered the era of information technology, Electronic operation has become the mainstream,by computer, network and other related the basis of the rapid development of technology, The traditional manual operation process to achieve paperless, information, networking, information query efficiency is greatly improved, From the beginning of contact with the aspects involved in this system,constantly analyze and design the system,Get a final overall idea,Based on the convenience of the network and database,the student information management system development model using JSP + struts + Hebernite, Because of its simple operation, easy to use, With different roles to enter the project, through the corresponding function button, you want to know or modify the information, The database used in this system is MySQL, with the use of MyEclipse to promote the smooth implementation of the system more easily.
    Key Words: Structural analysis; DataBase
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1课题背景和意义    1
    1.2本系统重要的功能模块    1
    第二章 编程技术介绍    2
    2.1 Java技术    2
    2.2 JSP介绍    2
    2.3 MySQL数据库简介    2
    2.4 SSH介绍    3
    2.5 B/S模式    3
    第三章 需求分析    4
    3.1可行性分析    4
    3.2需求分析    4
    3.3 需求分析概述    5
    3.4实体分析    6
    3.4.1 管理员角色用户实体    6
    3.4.2 教师角色用户实体    6
    3.4.3 学生角色用户实体    7
    3.4.4 课程实体    8
    第四章  系统设计与实现    9
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