


    Application Research of Network Teaching Platform

    Abstract: With the development of education informatization and network teaching technology, network teaching has become one of the main teaching methods. This paper first discusses the function of the network teaching, superiority and the use of the status quo. Then, based on the existing problems of network teaching platform, this paper analyzes the formation mechanism and the exploration of related aspects. Combined with the problems and shortcomings of the current use of network teaching, and on the basis of experiment and theoretical research, given the current in the field of network education should pay special attention to some of the techniques to achieve focus and ways to solve the problem. And puts forward some suggestions on how to develop the school network teaching.

    Keywords: Online teaching; Information; Teaching

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    引言 1

    1.网络教学的研究现状 2

    2.网络教学平台的特点 2

    2.1自主性 2

    2.2交互性 2

    2.3个性化 2

    3.网络教学平台的功能 3

    3.1网络课堂 3

    3.2在线学习 3

    3.3网上测试 3

    3.4讨论答疑 3

    3.5实验指导 3

    4.网络教学的优越性 3

    4.1主动性学习方面 3

    4.2互动性学习方面 4

    4.3个性化教学方面 4

    4.4网络教学效果方面 4

    4.5培养人才方面 5

    5.网络教学存在的问题 5

    5.1 教师的信息技术水平 5

    5.2网络教学模式 5

    5.3学习模式 5

    6.针对目前网络教学存在的问题,提出解决问题的对策 6

    6.1实现教育者队伍建设 6

    6.2 使学生掌握信息时代学习方式 6

    6.3 加强学生信息素养 6

    6.4 教师采用网上授课与集中面授辅导相结合的方式 6

    7.对当前网络教学的几点建议 7

    7.1 迈出第一步,大胆实践 7

    7.2 勇于创新,打造高水平的网络教学平台 7

    7.3 为师生开展现代化教育技术培训与研究

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