





    关键词:目标跟踪 压缩感知  特征提取 特征降维 朴素贝叶斯分类器 在线学习 对比实验


    Title    Video dynamic target compressive tracking technology and its implementation


    Video dynamic target tracking has a wide application prospect in many fields including video surveillance,military target detection,intelligent transportation and so on.In this paper,we mainly focus on video dynamic target tracking algorithm.

    In this paper,firstly,we summarizes the domestic and foreign development of video dynamic target tracking methods.Then based on this,the main works are listed as follows:

    (1)The investigation  and analysis on classical object tracking algorithms are made in this paper such as background difference method,the inter frame difference method,the optical flow method,TLD tracking method,MeanShift Tracking method and STC tracking method.

    (2)We mainly focus on the compressive tracking algorithm in this paper and give the comparative implementation process and experiment evaluation of TLD tracking method,MeanShift tracking method and STC tracking method.

    (3) A demo system of compressive tacking algorithm was designed in this paper. We analyzed the performance of compressive tracking method.The experimented results show that the compressive tracking method has a good performance.

    Keywords  Object tracking  Feature extraction  Feature dimension reduction Naive Bayes Classifier Online study Comparative experiment

     1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外现状分析 1

    1.3  存在的问题 3

    1.4  论文的主要工作及内容安排 3

    2  运动目标检测与跟踪 5

    2.1  引言 5

    2.2  运动目标检测的常见方法 5

    2.2.1  背景差分法 5

    2.2.2  帧间差分法 5

    2.2.3  光流法 6

    2.3   目标跟踪算法 7

    2.3.1  目标跟踪算法的基本流程 7

    2.3.2  目标跟踪算法的分类 7

    2.4  一些经典的目标跟踪算法 9

    2.4.1  TLD跟踪算法 9

    2.4.2  Mean-Shift跟踪算法 10

    2.4.3  STC跟踪算法 13

    2.5  本章小结 15

    3  压缩感知跟踪算法

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