


    毕业论文关键词  Android  软件开发  互动教学


    Title    Design and implementation of interactive teaching    Application based on Android system                                                 


    Nowadays, with the rapid development of 3G, 4G and other mobile Internet technology and smart phone technology,users of mobile platforms are at a rapid rate of growth. At the same time, there are many aspects of the demand which begin to emerge.In order to meet the needs of users, more and more business has been transferred to the mobile platform which had to be dealed with on the PC in the past. What’s more,due to poor communication between teachers and students in traditional teaching environment and the requirements of working environment and equipments from traditional teaching management system ,people want to transferr interactive teaching to the mobile platform.

    This graduation design is about the design and implementation of interactive teaching application based on Android platform.It’s can be pided into two parts: the communication between teachers and students and teaching management.Teaching management consists of specific functions such as test queries, query results and attendance record.  The needs of mobile teaching platform from teachers and students are different, so this design also reflects the differences.

    Keywords  Android  Software-development  Interactive-teaching

    目   次

    1  引言 3

    1.1  开发背景 3

    1.2  当前教学状况 3

    1.3  智能互动教学软件的优势 3

    1.4  互动教学的研究现状 3

    2  主要应用技术及工具 5

    2.1  Android平台概述 5

    2.2  主要开发技术 6

    2.3  主要开发工具 7

    3  系统分析 8

    3.1  可行性分析 8

    3.2  需求分析 8

    3.3  设计思想 9

    3.4  流程分析 10

    3.5  模块设计 11

    4  具体实现 14

    4.1  界面实现 14

    4.2  客户端实现 15

    4.3  服务器实现 18

    4.4  数据库实现 19

    5  软件运行测试 21

    5.1  登录模块 21

    5.2  教务中心模块 21

    5.3  公告中心模块 22

    5.4  师生交流模块 22

    结论 24

    参考文献 26

    1  引言

    1.1  开发背景


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