

    毕业论文关键词: 云笔记;存储同步;文档;网页;

    Design and implementation of synchronization function for cloud document storage

    Abstract: In this era of fast development of information technology the efficient processing of information has become an indispensable part of People's Daily life, the cloud document storage synchronization function is to solve the problems of the document how to efficiently store a feasible scheme, through documents are stored in the cloud can ensure the safety of the user's information. compared with the traditional paper notebooks, cloud notes with cross-platform, convenient, safe, generic, etc. In order to solve the traditional notebook is not easy to save, bring trouble and other issues,through documents are stored in the cloud (server) security both the integrity of the document, and makes the document not easily lostThrough the struts framework, design a web version of the cloud notes, using the java object-oriented this widely used is a cross platform programming language, write a contains document to add, modify, delete, search and other functions of cloud notes page. At the same time, web pages are classified for the client and background in each our duty, use MySQL database to store data in the cloud..So this project for the function of a single issue to carry out the function, the development of a traditional notebook to replace the traditional cloud document storage software, reduce the complexity of traditional notebook management, portable and other shortcomings.To achieve a document in the cloud one office, more storage, preservation and other functions, to solve the traditional notebook poor security, convenience and other issues.

    Keywords: Cloud notes; storage synchronization; documents; Web pages;


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 课题目的和意义 1

    1.3 研究现状 2

    1.4 研究内容 2

    1.5 论文框架 2

    2 系统分析 3

    2.1 系统可行性分析 3

    2.2 系统需求分析 3

    2.2.1 用户注册和登录模块 3

    2.2.2 写入功能

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