
    摘 要 :网上在线选课系统是高校体系中不可或缺的一部分,尤其是当前面对国家对教育越来越重视,高校学生不断的增加,以前的人工实现选课的方式已经无法满足需求,因为面对大量的数据,手工操作既没有效率,而且很多都是重复工作,更重要的是手动的选择课程和对课程管理不但不方便学生的选课。从管理员统计的角度来说,手工方式也十分容易出错。开发本网上选课系统是为了满足学生方便快捷的选课需要,同时能够方便管理员科学有效地对课程进行管理。系统实现了对数据的批量管理,并且增强了数据的安全性,方便用户对数据的查询和维护,使得对教务人员对于选课信息的管理更加高效,管理更加科学、系统。该网上选课系统的设计采用B/S三层架构模式,以SQL Server 2008 为数据库服务器,以Visual Studio 2010 为集成开发环境,使用ASP.NET动态网页技术实现网上选课和信息管理功能,是一个操作相对简单的网上信息管理系统。53786

    毕业论文关键词 : 选课系统,ASP.NET,数据库,B/S架构,面向对象 

    Abstract : The course-selection system design and implementation is an indispensable part of an educational unit, and its contents are essential for decision makers and managers of schools, course-selection system design and implementation should be able to provide users with sufficient information and fast query tool. But people have been using the traditional manual management of paper files, this management approach has many shortcomings, such as  low efficiency, poor security, and the other over time, will produce large amounts of files and data for the look up, update and maintain have brought a lot of difficulties. Using a computer to manage the information of students and courses, with the incomparable advantages of the manual administration. For example: the rapid retrieval, easy to find, high reliability, memory capacity, security and good, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of student management, enterprise scientific and standardized management. The class selection system design and implementation using B/S development model database using SQL Server 2008 development environment using Visual Studio 2010, can easily meet the needs of this class selection system design and implementation of the use and management .

    Keywords: Course-selection System ,ASP.NET, Database , B/S ,Object-Oriented

    目  录

    1 前言 4

    1.1 课题背景 4

    1.2 ASP.NET 技术简介 5

    1.3 开发环境介绍 6

    1.4 B/S 模式 7

    2 系统结构设计 8

    2.1 需求分析 8

    2.2  功能模块 8

    2.3 系统流程图 10

    3 数据库设计 13

    3.1 数据库的需求分析 13

    3.2 E-R图 13

    3.3 数据库表的设计 14

    4 系统实现 16

    4.1 数据库连接 16

    4.2用户登录界面实现 16

    4.3 管理员主界面实现 19

    4.4 学生登录主界面 26

    4.5 教师登录主界面 28

    5 系统测试 30

    结 论

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