    Online Recruitment Website Design and Development
    Abstract: The Internet has brought new opportunities to the traditional recruitment industry, online recruitment become the beneficial supplement of traditional recruitment methods. This paper introduces a process of online recruitment website design and development, which might implement customer recruitment information on the website access submission, registration and related information, etc. Through this system, users can conveniently do online job recruitment, for it saves time and energy, and is convenient for people to find the most suitable jobs and companies to recruit the most suitable person. The system development mainly includes the backstage database, the establishment and maintenance, and development of ASP dynamic pages from two aspects. For the former is to establish a database of consistency, integrality and security. And for the latter, applications should be fully functional, easy to use. In the end, the system is built on the tech of ASP+IIS. This paper mainly introduced the development background, system analysis, database and system design, and implementation of the topic.
    Key Words: Online Recruitment; Backstage database; Dynamic page;ASP+IIS  
    目  录
    一、    绪论    1
    (一)    研究的背景    1
    (二)    研究的意义    1
    (三)    研究的目标    2
    二、    在线招聘网站的设计技术    3
    (一)    动态网站开发技术基础    3
    1、 C/S与B/S的区别    3
    2、 ASP技术简介    3
    3、 脚本VBSCRIPT 和 JAVASCRIPT介绍    4
    4、 ACCESS基础介绍    5
    (二)    在线招聘网站的功能模块设计    5
    1、 设计目标    5
    2、 功能模块划分    6
    3、 系统设计思想    8
    三、    数据库结构设计    9
    (一)    数据库的需求分析    9
    (二)    数据库概念设计    10
    (三)    数据库逻辑设计    12
    (四)    数据库连接    16
    四、    ASP招聘网站功能设计与实现    19
    (一)    系统前台功能模块    19
    1、 注册界面设计    19
    2、 登录界面设计    20
    3、 职位信息模块设计    21
    4、 个人简历模块设计    24
    5、 留言反馈设计    26
    (二)    系统后台功能模块    27
    1、 登录界面设计    28
    2、 会员信息管理设计    29
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