

    毕业论文关键词  普适计算  多传感器  医疗诊断  数据融合  贝叶斯网络

    Title    The Study of Sensor Data Fusion Problem in Pervasive Health Care Monitoring System                                          

    Abstract Pervasive computing is the integration of information space and physical space, the health care system based on pervasive computing, is the ideas of the pervasive computing. This system is an important application in the field of health and medical care. Now the system has been widely concerned. In terms of data fusion, as a result of a single type of sensor can only provide limited data, and the different kinds of sensors can complement each other, and generate more comprehensive health information. Therefore, multiple sensor fusion is very important in wireless health monitoring. Different sensors collect different data which can be looked as multiple random variables. In dealing with multiple random variables reasoning fusion, the theory of Bayesian network is a good way to solve such problems. In health care and medical diagnostics using Bayesian network inference prediction, using wireless sensor network, to accomplish remote monitoring. Based on the sensor fusion, it complete the diagnosis reasoning process of Bayesian network with the old man fell and abnormal motion detection experiment.

    Keywords  pervasive computing   multiple sensor   medical diagnosis    data fusion   Bayesian network

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  背景介绍 1

    1.2  国内外研究状况 2

    1.3  本文主要研究内容 4

    2  相关技术研究发展现状 5

    2.1  数据融合技术 5

    2.2  贝叶斯网络 5

    2.3  贝叶斯网络的优点 6

    2.4  静态BN和动态BN 7

    2.5  贝叶斯网络的性质及推理过程 10

    2.6  本章小结 12

    3  贝叶斯网络理论在普适医疗系统中的应用 12

    3.1  无线传感器网络在医疗诊断中的应用 12

    3.2  对老人异常行为的检测分析 15

    3.3  使用贝叶斯网络对老人异常行为检测 16

    3.4  系统总体概要 16

    3.5  本章小结

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