
    摘要Android操作系统凭借其开源的特性和强大功能日益壮大,成为移动终端的主流操作系统之一,目前的android版本jelly bean 4.2,操作界面友好、功能强大,然而依然没有包含原生的文件管理器,用户大多选择使用第三方的文件管理器来管理手机文件,而第三方文件管理器存在着诸多问题,比如用户隐私得不到的保护,给用户带来了极大的不便。61641





    毕业论文关键词:  android、文件管理、文件加密、文件编辑


    Title Design and Implementation of File Manager on Android

    Abstract Android operating system grows with its features of open source and powerful function, and becomes one of the mainstream operating system of the mobile terminal, the current version of Android jelly bean 4.2, has a friendly interface and powerful function, yet still not includes file manager, most users choose the third party file manager to manage files, while the third party file manager exist many problems, such as user’s privacy disclosure, which has brought great inconvenience to users.

         In view of the above problems, this paper makes a detailed analysis and improve the corresponding function, the main work includes:

         (1) grasp and master the Android development method, Android related core technology, analysis and Research on the Android platform architecture, and learning the document class file management mechanism based on.

         (2) design and implement file manager which based on Android platform, provides the basic operation of the mobile phone files such as copy, cut, delete and sort files, to find the target file by rapid retrieval, through the file encryption methods to a certain extent, to solve the user privacy problems.

         The system verifies that, the system provides a friendly user interface, enhanced user experience at the same time, provide the basic operation and management of documents, and provide file encryption to protect user privacy.

    Keywords  Android  File Management  File Encryption File Edit

     目   次

    1. 绪论 3

    1.1.课题目的与意义 3

    1.2.本文的主要工作 5

    1.3.论文的组织结构 5

    2. Android技术 6

    2.1.Android系统 6

    2.2.Android开发 8

    2.3.Android文件管理 14

    3. Android文件管理器的设计 15

    3.1.系统体系结构 15

    3.2.功能模块设计 17


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