
    摘要: 手机现在已成为人们身边不可或缺的一样东西,APP也随之成为大众所熟悉的“新鲜事物”,开发一个能够随时随地发布活动的APP是必要的。过去相邀出去的举行互动可能仅限于朋友或者朋友的朋友。随着时代的发展,人们更渴望去认识更多有相同兴趣的人一起去玩或参加公益活动。61833



    毕业论文关键词: 安卓;活动;APP;社交;手机

    Design and implementation of portable APP based on Android system

    Abstract: Mobile phones have become an integral part in the life,and the app has become fresh thing.It is necessary to develop an APP that can release activity at any time. In the past, We went out to play with someone who is our friend. With the development of the times, people are more eager to know more people who has common interests to play or to engage in public service activities.

    This paper is to design and develop a portable APP based on Android system. The APP will provide a good platform for people who are interested in doing same things to gather together and to enrich the lives of everyone. People can release activity to wait for others to sign up, and you can also participate in the activities of others by the APP. In the APP people can communicate with others by the message board, and address of activities is marked in the map for that it is easy to gather people. 

    This APP uses the C/S development model ,and HttpClient is a bridge to communicate server with client . Server side using Servlet to get the client's request and response client. Client with java development,it is very fast to response. 

    Keywords: Android; Activity; APP; Sociality; Mobile Phone


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 2

    2 系统需求分析 2

    2.1 系统背景 2

    2.2 系统需求 2

    2.2.1 功能需求 2

    2.2.2 性能需求 2

    2.2.3 运行环境 2

    2.2.4 系统使用人员 2

    2.3 系统开发的主要技术 2

    2.3.1 开发模式 2

    2.3.2 选择的开发工具 2

    2.3.3 开发环境的配置 2

    3 系统概要设计

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