
    摘要: 本课题根据“一车一卡一次称重”的业务需求,结合射频识别技术(RFID)实现车辆信息的有效管理。车辆信息管理子系统主要涉及功能有:车辆档案管理、车辆登记卡管理、现场查验审核、称重记录查询、车辆审核情况查询等。RFID车辆信息管理系统采用C/S架构,开发环境为VS2010,开发语言C#,数据库使用Microsoft SQL Server 2005,操作界面采用多文档界面结构。本系统实现了对车辆的信息进行规范严格的管理,提高工作效率、缩短了查验时间,减少了不必要的时间上的浪费。通过精确的车辆信息管理系统,不仅减少了人工操作弄虚作假的现象、上报数据的误差小,而且减轻了管理人员的工作负担,更加有效地实现了对车辆信息的管理管理。采用车辆自动识别技术避免了车辆长时间排队通关现象,减少了时间浪费,从而极大地提高了CIQ口岸重量鉴定业务效率。本论文分别从可行性分析、需求分析、总体设计、详细设计与实现、系统测试、结论等几大方面阐述了本系统应具备的功能,已设计实现的功能以及系统后续可以改进的地方。61976

    毕业论文关键词: 系统设计;RFID射频识别技术;车辆信息管理;C#;SQL;

    Design and implementation of vehicle weighing system based on RFID -- vehicle information management subsystem

    Abstract: This topic according to "a car once a card weighing" of business requirements, combined with radio frequency identification technology (RFID) to realize the effective management of vehicle information. Vehicle information management subsystem mainly involves features: vehicle archives management, the vehicle registration card management, auditing on-site inspection, weighing record query and query of the vehicle. RFID vehicle information management system uses C/S architecture, development environment for the VS2010, C # development language, database using Microsoft used 2005, interface USES the multiple document interface structure. This system realizes the information of vehicle standard strict management, improve the work efficiency, shorten the examination time, reduce the unnecessary waste of time. Through accurate vehicle information management system, not only reduce the manual operation the phenomenon of fraud, report the data error is small, and reduce the workload management, more effective management of the vehicle information management is realized. The automatic recognition technology of the vehicle to avoid the vehicle queuing phenomenon of customs clearance for a long time, reduced the waste of time, thus greatly improve the efficiency of the port CIQ weight appraisal business. This paper respectively from the feasibility analysis, requirement analysis, general design, detailed design and implementation, system testing, conclusion and so on several big aspects elaborated this system should have the function, has designed the functions and follow-up system can be improved.

    Keywords: System design; The RFID radio frequency identification technology; Vehicle information management; C #; SQL;


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 项目定义 1

    1.2 项目背景 1

    1.3 设计目标 1

    2 可行性分析

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