



    毕业论文关键词: 彩票管理系统; C 语言;Linux;GCC

    The software to manage lottery tickets

    Abstract: In times of rapid development of the Internet, Traditional forms of buying lottery tickets already cannot satisfy the needs of people to buy lottery tickets. In this cases, it is arises that all kinds of software to manage lottery tickets. According to which lottery they want to buy, they would to choose a different of software to help them to buy lottery tickets. The software to manage lottery tickets will determine the number of winning the lottery through the random number. And it is so convenient for us, that we can buy a lottery ticket easily.

    The software is running on Linux platform through C programming language to edit program. Users of this software are mainly the lottery-holders. They can buy lottery tickets through the software after toping up their accounts. Of course, precondition is that administrator has issued lotteries. When the notary drew the winning numbers of a lottery, bonus will be into the account of the winner if the lottery-holders get the winning number.

    Perhaps, the software still has a lot of shortcomings. With the development of the Internet +, however, the software to manage lottery tickets can have a long-term development. And it can make a contribution to the social public welfare.

    Keywords: The software to manage lottery tickets; C programming language; 

    Linux; GCC


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 项目开发的背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1

    1.3 发展趋势 1

    2 关键技术介绍 2

    2.1 LINUX 2

    2.2 UBUNTU 4

    2.3 GCC 4

    2.4 MAKEFILE 5

    2.5 C语言 5

    3 系统分析 7

    3.1 系统功能详情 7

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