
    对于这个课题的分析,我把系统主要使用者分为:企业的普通用户,管理员和采购员。所有用户都可以对所需要的设备进行申请,得到管理员同意后,采购员对于已经同意的申请进行采购,对于已经采购完成的设备,管理员可以进行分配。对于这些功能的 实现过程中,我出现了一些问题,如:一些传值,保持等。最后在通关查找相关教材或询问同学,询问导师的方式下得到了解决。

    毕业论文关键词: 资产;管理;分析;采购;分配

    Design and Development of Enterprise Asset Management System –PC

    Abstract: Assets are the foundation of a company and the most important of the enterprise. For the enterprise's asset management is perfect, is the main factor of enterprise development and progress, can effectively promote the enterprise's management and management. Enterprise asset management system. A good enterprise asset management system, can greatly reduce the workload of staff, improve the utilization rate of equipment, the use of life, etc.. Improve the working efficiency of the staff.

    For the analysis of this topic, I pided the main users of the system: the general staff, administrators and purchasing staff of enterprises. Employees can apply for the equipment needed to obtain the consent of the administrator, the buyer has agreed to purchase the application, for the procurement of equipment has been completed, the administrator can be assigned. The realization of these functions is also a number of problems, such as: some pass value, etc.. Finally, in the clearance of the relevant materials or to find the way to find out the way to solve.

    Keywords: assets; management; analysis; procurement; assigned


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 系统需求分析 1

    1.1 系统背景 1

    1.2 系统需求 1

    1.2.2 功能需求 2

    1.2.3 性能需求 10

    1.2.4 运行环境 11

    1.2.5 系统使用人员 11

    1.3 系统开发的主要技术 11

    1.3.1 开发模式 11

    1.3.2 选择的开发工具 11

    1.3.3 开发环境的配置 11

    2 系统概要设计 12

    2.1 功能模块的概要设计 12

    2.1.1 系统总模块的概要设计 12

    2.1.2 各自模块的概要设计 13

    2.2 页面的概要设计 18

    2.2.1 页面目录与文件 18


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