
    In recent years, more and more attention to the development of our graduate thesis evaluation system. Therefore, this paper describes a post-graduate thesis evaluation system development background, and based on B / S structure, before JSP technology and MySQL database management system, focusing on the management of the design and implementation of the Peer Review system: including the development environment, the overall design, several modules database design, detailed design and system testing. System realized: user management,, student management, teacher management review and other major functions. The system now has the basic functions postgraduate thesis evaluation system, it has brought great convenience for teachers and students. Finally, the system has been tested and has been able to run independently, and to meet the basic needs of the original design, showing some practical value.

    Key words: System Design; B/S architecture;Java ;MySQL


    第一章  概述 1

    1.1  系统说明 1

    1.2  系统特点 2

    第二章   开发环境介绍 3

    2.1  JAVA简介 3

    2.1.1  Java平台概述 3

    2.1.2  Java语言 3

    2.1.3  Java语言的编译与执行 3

    2.1.4  Java开发工具包 4

    2.2  JSP简介 4

    2.3  STRUTS构架技术简介 5

    2.4  系统数据库介绍 7

    2.4.1  数据库的概念 7

    2.4.2  “结构化查询语言”(SQL)简介 8

    2.5  MYSQL介绍 9

    2.6  系统运行环境配置 11

    第三章  总体设计 12

    3.1  开发背景 12

    3.2  功能分析 12

    3.3  数据流图 15

    3.4  系统结构分析 15

    3.4.1  逻辑结构 15

    3.4.2  物理结构 16

    3.5  本章小结 16

    第四章  数据库设计 17

    4.1  数据表的介绍 17

    4.2  用户模块设计概述 17

    4.2.1  系统原理 17

    4.2.2  用户模块的程序流程图 18

    4.3  数据库与数据表 19

    4.4  本章小结 21

    第五章  详细设计 22

    5.1  登陆介绍 22

    5.2  专家评审的登陆 23

    5.3  学生功能界面 23

    5.4  评审论文管理功能 24

    第六章  系统测试 27

    6.1  测试目标 27

    6.2  测试方法

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