

    本系统以Web端的Tomcat8为服务器,JDK为系统运行环境, Spring为项目整体框架,SQL为系统数据库,通过MyEclipse 10设计实现的。本系统设置了六大模块,其中用户的订单管理模块主要负责对于客户端生成的订单进行处理,通过后台管理系统可以选择接受用户的订单或者撤销订单;会员管理模块则主要负责对客户端注册的用户进行相关的维护和修改,管理员可以对用户的相关信息进行修改来改变用户的会员等级和优惠折扣;库存管理模块实现用户对库存的菜品信息进行维护,以及菜品信息的及时更新;报表管理模块负责统计交易已完成的订单,并提供导出功能;用户评价则用于保存用户的评价信息,以便及时了解用户对于菜品的客观反映。


    毕业论文关键词:餐馆点餐;Java; MySQL; HTML; Spring; Mybatis

    Abstract The traditional paper-based menu is mainly used by manual records.it was a trouble to modify the message of menu.When using the traditional menu,it’s easy to produce a waste of human resources and environment resources.Besides,it’s not conducive environmental protection.So a concise and efficient order system which is also easy to operate can realize a informationalized management of menu.it can also manage indents expediently.

    This system that designed by me uses MyEclipse 10 as its development tool, Tomcat 8 as its web server,sql as the system’s database and i used Spring to design the overall framework of the systems.The system is pided into six functions.i use the menu management to deal with indents which is produced by clients,and through the backstage management system,we can receive clients’ indents or cancel the indents.The member management is mainly used to maintain and change message of users,administrators can change users’ level and discount by changing message of users.The inventory  management can maintain the message of food and update the message just in time.The report management is used to count the indents which are finished,and it can export the data we need.The conment managements is usually used to save users’ conment,we use the comment to understand users’ objective impression of the food.

      This article mainly has carried on the summary to the above six functions module design and detailed design, and show the resolution for some question we meet in these functions.With our design and test,this system has reach the actual demand.

    KeyWords: RestaurantSystem;MySQL; HTML;Spring;Mybatis

    摘   要 I

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 开发背景及意义 1

    1.2 系统设计的主要内容 1

    1.3 系统相关的技术介绍 1

    1.4 开发工具的介绍 2

    第二章 系统框架的分析与设计 5

    2.1 系统需求分析 5

    2.2系统概要设计 6

    2.3 数据库概要设计 7

    第三章 系统详细设计 8


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