
    摘要:在当今高速发展的互联网时代,web 应用技术越来越广泛地应用于各个领域,逐渐 地改变着人们的学习、工作、生活甚至是思维方式,也引发了教育领域的变革。随着互 联网 web 技术的发展和普及,传统的考试模式正在发生着巨大变化。因此,如何使考试 过程变得更加方便、高速、快捷、公正,正是本课题研究的意义。66282

    《考试预约系统》顺应时代的要求,实现考试预约、试题出库,在线考试、自动及 人工评分等一系列功能模块,适用于广大师生体系,能够提高教学质量,促进教育改革 体系。而该《考试预约系统-流程整合模块的设计与实现》课题,主要是将考生信息、分 配功能、提醒功能、评分功能、数据关联等相关模块功能整合串通,环环相扣,使整个 流程能够跑起来。这就涉及框架整体搭建、数据库关系设计以及模块之间的耦合性内聚 性等一系列整体架构问题,这便是我需要解决的问题方向。

    经过几个月的设计与研究,最终实现框架搭建、数据库流程关联、模块流程串通和 流程信息提醒等一系列流程相关研究问题,使得系统成功研发,按时上线发布使用。

    毕业论文关键词: 数据库关联、整体流程串通、框架架构。

    Examination Appointment System

    The design and implementation of process integration module


    In today's rapid development of the Internet age, the web application technology is more and more widely used in various fields, gradually changing people's study, work, life and even ways of thinking, also led to a change in the field of education. With the development and popularization of Internet web technologies, the traditional test mode is undergoing great changes. Therefore, how to make the exam process more convenient, fast, quick and fair is the meaning of this research.

    Examination Appointment System is in compliance with the requirements of The Times, including a series of functional modules, such as test booking, test paper, online examination, automatic and artificial scoring, applicable to the system of teachers and students, can improve the teaching quality and promote the education reform system. The Examination Appointment System - the design and implementation of process integration module of project, mainly to the examinee information, distribution, function, to remind function, the score function, data association and other related modules function integration of collusion, linked together, make the whole process can run. This relationship involves the framework of the overall structure, database design and the coupling between the module cohesion within the overall architecture problems, that is what I need to solve the problem of direction.

    After several months of design and research, finally realizes the process correlation framework structure, database, module remind collusion and process information and a series of processes related to research questions, makes the system successfully develop and launch on time.

    Keywords:  Database connection; The whole process in; The framework architecture


    摘要 ii

    Abstract iii

    目录 iv

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.1.1  课题研究的背景及意义 1

    1.1.2  课题来源 2

    1.2  课题研究现状 2

    1.2.1  在线考试系统研究现状

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