



    Abstract The application of two-dimensional code technology makes the traditional meeting check-in way to be liberated, the two-dimensional code recognition technology, the guests only generated two-dimensional Code information to scan identification, so as to achieve the statistical participation in the number of meetings and personal information of a new type of meeting electronic signage technology.

    Based on the Android platform, two-dimensional code sign client required to complete two-dimensional code generation and recognition, mobile phone number, sign location verification, project sign automatic matching, check-in staff related data query and statistics, management of personnel attendance data query and statistics, staff login, database access etc.. The system server uses MyEclipse tools and MySQL database, Java with JSP page writing; App end using ADT with Eclipse written. The system is easy to use, good flexibility, high security and stable operation. This paper first describes how to develop the system, and analyzes the system in detail, and discusses the functions of the system, the system structure, database design and business processes and so on.

    Key words: Meeting management; two-dimensional code; Andrews; JAVA;

    目    录

    Abstract 3

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题目的及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 发展趋势 2

    1.4 Android软件开发的背景 3

    2 Android平台搭建 5

    2.1 Android体系结构的详细概述 5

    2.2 Android运行环境 7

    2.3 Android应用的构成和工作机制 8

    2.4系统开发环境和目标平台 8

    2.3.1系统开发环境 8

    2.3.2系统目标平台 9

    2.3.3 Android开发环境的搭建 9

    3 系统需求分析 12

    3.1可行性分析 12

    3.1.1 操作可行性分析 12

    3.1.2 经济可行性分析 12

    3.1.3 技术可行性分析 12

    3.2 需求分析 13

    3.3 业务需求分析

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  2. 下一篇:没有了
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