
    Thoreau’s Views on Nature and Reflection on the Current Chinese Ecological

    I would like to thank the following persons for their kind help and support during the whole process of studying and writing the thesis.
    First of all, I would like to express my great appreciation for Miss.Qu Min, my thesis adviser for her patient guidance and constant encouragement. She has talked with me several times face to face or via email during the whole thesis-writing process, discussing my creative studying idea and giving advise on my thesis revision. Without her help, this thesis could not have reached its present form.
    Second, I would like to thank all the other tutors and teachers in the study of Thoreau’s nature and the current Chinese ecological environment, for their direct and indirect help.
    Third, special thanks for my friends who have sincere kindness to spend time and efforts on commenting on the first draft. Finally, I want to thank my parents for their consistent support and encouragement for my studies.
    Responsibility for any remaining errors is mine alone.
    摘  要
    Walden, written by noted transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, is a reflection upon his special days in natural environment. The book shows us Thoreau's experiences over two years in a cabin near Walden Pond. With this special experience and self-reflection, Thoreau gained a more objective understanding of society. As he believed, man and nature should be close friends. Thoreau lived at a time when America’s ecological environment was heavily degraded, which much resembles China’s situation at present. Thus, Thoreau’s views may shed a light on the refinement of Chinese current ecological status. Based on the detailed analysis of Thoreau’ observation and reflection upon nature, this paper also includes practical measures on improving the current Chinese ecological environment.The first part is a brief introduction on the writer Henry David Thoreau, the second part is a detailed analysis of his views on nature, the third part is the introduction of the current ecological status in China, and the following part is recommendations based on Thoreau’s view about nature. The last part is the conclusion of this paper.
    Key words: Thoreau, nature, ecological environment, China
    摘  要 I
    Abstract II
    I. Introduction: Henry D. Thoreau 1
    II. Introduction of Thoreau’s masterpiece, Walden 2
    III. Thoreau and his Nature Views 6
      1. Transcendentalism and transcendentalist 6
      2. Important events on the formation of Thoreau’s nature views 6
      3. Five aspects of Thoreau’s nature views 7

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