
    Abstract Cooperative principle is an important pragmatic principle. People observe the cooperative principle can get an effective interaction in daily life. But sometimes, people always deliberately violate some maxims of cooperative principle for humorous effects. The thesis analyzes some humorous lines of Friends in season 3 by violating the four maxims of the cooperative principle. Meanwhile the thesis analyzes the application of violating the cooperative principle in microblog, advertisement and entertainment program. Hopefully, this thesis can improve the language learners’ comprehension and the communicative ability of language. At the same time, it also can raise the language learners’ interests in English learning and promote the interpersonal skill.69718

    Keywords: humor; cooperative principle; Friends


    毕业论文关键词: 幽默;合作原则;老友记


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Cooperative principle 2

    2.2 Humor 3

    2.3 Brief introduction to sitcom and Friends 4

    3. Humor in Friends by the Violating of the CP 5

    3.1 Violating the maxim of quantity 5

    3.2 Violating the maxim of quality 7

    3.3 Violating the maxim of relation 8

    3.4 Violating the maxim of manner 9

    4. Application of Violating the CP in Daily Humor 10

    4.1 Microblog 10

    4.2 Advertisement 12

    4.3 Entertainment program 13

    5. Conclusion 15

    Works Cited 16

    1. Introduction 

         In today’s society, people are all having huge pressure and life stress, the relationship among them is very bad. People hardly know the neighbors’ name, even though they live in the same buildings. Sometimes it is very embarrass that people have no words with their neighbors in the elevator. On the occasion, humor becomes very important, it gives people time for relaxation and makes one easy and joyful in a social contact. There are lots of humor occurred in daily conversation by accident. Humor is an instrument in people's daily communication. It can adjust the conversation and the relationship of people. The occurrence of humor and the inner constitution of this language have the tight connection. With the help of the phonetic abilities in the Friends which is so popular in America, and from the standpoint of violating the cooperative principles, the article aims to start with the dialogue of characters. In order to expound the linguistic features of humor, whereby promote the understanding and interpersonal skill of the language learners. So people can apply it and add unparalleled excitement to their daily lives. The research of the thesis embodies the aim of theory determining practice.论文网

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