
    Abstract“New English Curriculum Standards” includes the cooperative learning, whose main purpose is to bring about transformation from the past passive single learning to active cooperative learning. Coopertive learning is not only a significant objective of teaching but also a new metohod advocated by the current fundamental teaching curricula reform. The connotation of cooperative learning is not only the cooperative work between students trationally, but also extends to the cooperation between teachers and students at this moment. Teachers and students should understand each other, and use different cooperative methods in listening, speaking, reading and writing appropriately. By these cooperative ways, students can improve their English ability in the round.60712

    Key words: Cooperative Learning; Partnership Model; Junior High School English; Teaching Procedure Design


    毕业论文关键词: 合作学习; 合作模式; 初中英语; 教学环节设计 


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 4

    3. Normal Models of Cooperative Learning in Junior High School English Learning 6

    3.1 Cooperative Learning Model of Pairs Sharing the Same Desk 6

    3.2 Cooperative Learning Model of Groups 7

    3.3 Cooperative Learning Model between All Staff 7

    4. Junior High School English Learning Model Design 8

    4.1 Cooperative Learning Model between Teachers and Students 8

    4.2 Cooperative Learning Model between Students 9

    4.3. Cooperative Learning Model in Skills 10

    5. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 14

    1. Introduction 

    Without the cooperation, the society can’t survive, and the society of man has survived because the cooperativeness of its members made survival possible. It was not an advantageous inpidual here and there who did so, but the group.  In human societies the inpiduals who are most likely to survive are those who are best enabled to do so with their group.

    With the development of education, English teaching has made a big progress. However, we are at a stage of development: new things come out quickly; the situation of world is changing fast; traditional English education methods cannot satisfy the present need. English, the world communicative language, is being accepted by more and more counties. Considering these factors, improving English teaching is no doubt necessary. Cooperative learning is the correct way to solve the difficult problem (Wang Jian, 2004:32). 

    Cooperative learning is such an efficient activity that it has been widely used all over the world. In our country, it is also widely used in teaching. But to the combination of cooperative learning and middle school English teaching, there is no concrete and detailed research about it. So the author tries doing some searches on it in the thesis.

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