
    Abstract This thesis is centered on E-C translation of contracts which are increasingly important in people's live. In order to improve the efficiency and the accuracy of language communication and information transmission, this thesis explores how to translate the business English contract from the perspective of stylistics. The stylistic features of English business contract are analyzed through some typical examples, from the three views of vocabulary, syntax and discourse. In view of the stylistic features of business contract, the thesis discusses that business contract translation should follow three principles: faithfulness and accuracy; conciseness and completeness; standardization and smoothness. Different translation strategies are put forward: literal translation is preferred in translating business contract; four-word structure can be used; prepositions and nouns can be converted to the verbs by adjusting the sentence structure; using a moderate amount of pronouns or repeating some vocabulary. The translator should be both faithful to the original content, and to be faithful to the original style in the translation of the contract. 69695

    Keywords: business contracts; style; translation; stylistic features


    毕业论文关 键 词:英文商务合同,风格,翻译,文体特征


    1. Introduction..1

    2. Literature Review..2

    3. Stylistics and the Business Contracts....3

    3.1 A survey about style and stylistics....3

    3.2 A survey of the business contract..4

    4. Stylistic Features of the English Business Contracts...5

    4.1Lexical characteristics of contract.. 5

    4.2Syntactic features of contract..8

    4.3Discourse features of contract.9

    5. Principals in Translating Contract..10

    5.1 Faithfulness and accuracy.10

    5.2 Conciseness and completeness..11

    5.3 Standardization and smoothness...11

    6. Strategies in Translating Contracts12

    6.1 Giving priority to literal translation.12

    6.2 Using four-word structure13

    6.3 Translation of conditional clauses14

    6.4 Adjusting the structure of the sentence.14

    7. Conclusion.15

    Works Cited...16

    1. Introduction

    As China is deepening and widening its opening up to the outside world and foreign exchanges and business transactions are increasing rapidly, interpersonal and inter-entity relations have to be defined and bound by contracts. Thus, E-C translation of contracts has gained more importance in the translation theory and practice. Business contract register belongs to a functional variety, which has unique social functions, i.e., imposition of obligations and conferring of rights. (Hou 18) In this way, business contracts, as a sub-variety of the language of the law, have peculiar stylistic features in English as well as in Chinese.

         Stylistics, in a broad sense, covers the study of all varieties of a language with the focus on appropriateness of language on a certain occasion. (Wang Ding 1)  Business contract language in nature falls into the category of law English, which is distinctive from other varieties in lexical, syntactic and textual organization. It is of great importance to take these stylistic features into consideration when dealing with business contract translation. 来!自~751论-文|网www.751com.cn

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