
    Abstract Internet has truly turned the world into a global village. Economic and culture communication among people is more frequently. And owing to the characteristics such as easy-to-understand of American drama, it gradually comes in our daily life and it is the main way of cultural communication. So, the fansubs spring up like mushrooms. It decides the effect of cultural communication by the quality of subtitling translation. On the other hand, the existence of cultural differences decide that the fansub cannot completely translate as literal meaning, so it just can real understand by relating gut, then, transfer it and translate into Chinese for audiences finally. However, because the influence of foreign cultural factors and Chinese cultural factors, the process always leads to cultural misreading69712

    This paper includes four parts: introduction, literature review, translation skills and conclusion.

    Introduction told us American TV as a kind of media, which builds a bridge between the Chinese culture and America culture, the process will produce unavoidable cultural misreading

    Second parts explains the cause of cultural misreading, then analyze the American TV subtitles’ features. In third part, it discusses the translation skills according to 2 Broke Girls to analyze the cultural misreading.

    All in all, the last paragraph sum up the right attitude of cultural misreading, under the background of globalization, the subtitling translation will be a continuable study.

    Keywords: cultural misreading; translation skills; 2 Broke Girls





    毕业论文关键词:文化误读 ;翻译方法;破产姐妹


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1An Overview on Cultural Misreading……………………………………......2

    2.2 A Brief Review on Subtitling Translation 4

    3. The Skills of Subtitling Translation in 2 Broke Girls from the Perpective of Cultural Misreading 6

    3.1 Literal Translation 7

    3.2 Free Translation 8

    4. Conclusion 9

    Works Cited 11

    1. Introduction 

    With the rapid development of the Internet and the economic globalization, the cultural globalization, American TV show already has become more and more popular in China, it has gradually become one of the bridge of information transmission and cultural exchange of China and the United States, and it is becoming more and more important in people's life. It is well known that a successful TV is due to one or two lines to keep a deep impressive, it is important mode for audiences to express the relationship between the characters and convey the emotion and meaning of TV show. Which makes the quality of subtitle translation becomes more and more important. Because most of the people in china still do not have enough ability to understand the charm of TV drama without the Chinese subtitles. However, the subtitle translation as a branch in the field of translation, however, subtitling translation as one branch in translation area, its limitation of space-time and the possible of acceptance for viewers decides the great difference with others. “Intercultural communication means a kind of language and culture system of another language and culture system of cognition and interpretation. Because people in understanding his culture, often according to their habit of thinking mode on the selection, cutting, then the interpretation, this will inevitably lead to cultural misreading” (Le Daiyun, 1995:110). In this article, we will contact the TV show the characteristics of subtitle translation and the phenomenon of cultural misreading are analyzed, to discuss how to better smooth of TV drama subtitle translation of reduce misunderstanding caused by cultural differences.文献综述

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